For instance, if you have a windfall, can you negotiate with an insurance company to pay insurance premiums to cater for a certain length of time in future in one lump sum instead of paying in instalments in the stated period? And a discount should be given for the same no less. Are there examples of companies offering this?
I have 20 years life insurance plan. The plan is to pay the premium every year. My insurance company has a policy to lower the premiums if the the premiums are paid in advance. However, because of financial constrains I am not able to benefit from the provision of paying premiums in advance.
When it comes to insurance, I have really yet to find anything that I could call a deal or anything close to it. That said, though, insurance companies seem to go to great lengths in order to get people to switch over, so I would not be too surprised to see something like this. Sounds like @Vinaya has something similar.