So I'm thinking, you own a smartphone and still have a TV. Everything you watch on your TV is available on your smartphone as well. I think TV is a waterbed money. What do you think?
Not everyone is yet to have access to a smartphone. Most families still have members that do not even have a mobile device talk more of having a smartphone, so TV is never a waste of money until government agencies in many countries make owning a smartphone free. Kids at home watch their favourite TV series on TV and that kills boredom in the household while drilling some fun into these kids. Some adults that do not have smartphones make use of the television when they want to watch their favourite news channels, watches weekend and midweek football matches and lots more other activities that happen on TV. In as much as it is cool to get rid of TV if one can watch all the activities on TV on the smartphone as well, we also have to consider the need to have a data connection to be able to connect to the internet while watching these programs.
I suppose if you are single then having a TV could be a waste of money if you use your smartphone or even a tablet to watch shows and movies on. However, if you have kids then having a TV isn't such a waste of money. It is hard to watch the same show if one is on a phone or tablet. I guess it just depends on your situation whether to have a TV or not. There are TVs that are rather inexpensive if you don't have to have a huge screen and such.
Although we don't own a TV for a very long time, I don't think having a TV is a waste of money. I own a laptop and a smartphone and can do a lot of things with them. We also watch movies from our desktop so I guess we don't need TV that's why we don't buy one. But I guess it depends on the person as to whether they still want to watch TV or stick with their smartphones or other gadgets.
Well... I don't consider it a waste of money, but I'd rather invest in something more useful... Like a notebook, for example. But in the end, the personal taste of each person ends up prevailing.
While you can enjoy almost anything on a smartphone like streaming movies, surfing the web, listening to your favorite music and many others. Still there are some things it can not replace, like enjoying the bigger picture on a T.V. or having a movie marathon with your friends and family. And in some countries, a smartphone is more expensive than a regular T.V set. I don't think having a television is a waste of money at all.
As for me, I like having a tv, a landline and a smartphone. I'd like to save my laptop and smartphone so I"d pay for cable which I'm doing and have my tech things lasting a bit longer, than running tv programs on laptops or smartphones. You got to charge your smartphones and laptop too, you're using electricity, so I'd rather pay for cable and not worry about burning out my tech equipment. I use my smartphone for picture taking, emergencies and keeping in touch with people. My landline is good for my wifi for it's cheaper, then I don't have to change any of my accounts with my landline number too. So no cable and tv is great to have, for me.
I suppose if you don't watch much TV it might be better to use a smartphone although I have a package for my broadband, TV and phone which is cheaper than using phone data. TV would use loads of data so would make your phone bill high plus like others have said I like watching films on a big screen.
To me, the answer is a big fat no. Comparing the benefits you gain from owning a television, then you will understand you really have get for your money. First and foremost, a television brings a family together. When they sit together to watch news and other entertainment programs, their bond strengthens. Watching television on a smartphone from where I come from, means having to subscribe on a weekly or monthly basis, whereas you can buy a television once and for all. Televisions are educative. Whether by documentaries, or programs with a moral lesson, there's always something to learn. In fact some channels have dedicated themselves fully to broadcast school lessons. This can help, children as well as parents to expand their knowledge. Therefore, I think televisions are worth to have. In fact they are more of a necessity than a luxury.
I disagree with you on this for several reasons. Yes it's true that all you can view on TV is readily available on your smartphone but the viewing satisfaction is what differs. If you happen to be one that loves your viewing images big and profound, viewing on smartphone will be totally displeasing as the images will be tiny and poorly appreciated. Also being able to watch videos on ones smartphone requires subscription to do so. But TV viewing only requires for you to get the file or film you want to watch and watch at your leisure time. Smartphone subscription cost also is another factor to consider when comparing with television viewing.
It's never a waste of money to own a TV. Agreed virtually everything we need the TV for can be done via the smartphone and computer but the TV adds beauty to the reception at our homes. Children that are still too young to use smartphone or computer the TV is there to keep them entertained. As adult once in a while I do enjoy watching matches on a wider screen this doable by watching on the TV.
Not owning a TV might be fine for singles or childless couples, but when there are kids and other adults in the house, you'd want them to be entertained and at the same time updated with what's happening around them. When you have guests coming over for a few hours stay, they'll probably get bored if there's no TV around. I own a smartphone and a tablet but I never use them the way I'd use a television because their screen is too small for comfort and I don't want to strain my eyes too much just to watch shows that I can watch on TV while relaxing with my son.
TV still has a lot of value since there are a few programs and shows which you can not get a hold of outside of TV.
We still have a television at home and my parents watch the news and other shows in it daily. Although I have reduced the amount of watching tv as I watch almost everything on my smartphone and laptop my parents and my grandparents are not used to that technology. So I think it is not a waste of money to have a tv. Even my neighborhood kids sometimes come to our house to watch their favorite tv series.
I don’t think investing money on TV is a waste of money. I agree that whatever you can see on TV is now available on smartphone too. But a smartphone is mainly for personal use only. For example for a family TV is the most suitable medium of information and entertainment. Moreover, to watch TV on smartphone data cost may be much higher than the cable subscription charges. Video streaming eat a lot of data and if you go for high resolution videos it will finish within minutes. In fact now companies are coming up with Internet TV where we can watch TV programs, use Internet and play games. But smartphone is portable and that gives a definite edge to smartphone. But as I said for a group of audience TV is still the best.
I do love watching movies and some TV series but I actually do not own a TV for years now. I watch everything online on my PC, and as far as a big screen is concerned, I might just buy a bigger monitor that buy a TV which I won't actually use for a long time since I am always in front of my PC most of the time.
I don' think it's a waste of money, but it depends on your lifestyle. I know men prefer to watch sports on a large screen, and my neighbor doesn't have a smartphone and is house bound so a television set is a lifesaver for her. I think you have to weigh up how often you use it. When I lived in the city I barely used it so didn't pay the license fee (we do in the UK have to pay) and watched shows online, although now you do need a license to watch online too now. Plus with a smartphone it would drain your battery. I do watch somethings on my tablet though, mainly catchup.
There are different reasons one can't watch all the programs on phone yet. For one, we do not have fast internet that is first requirement of watching TV on a phone besides the price of data is still too high although it's coming down recently. I hope the day is not far off for developing countries when they will have more options like developed countries and think n terms of watching through internet.
Smaller screen are not safe for eyes. That's the first reason I am worried about seeing all the things on mobile phone. Plus not all people have unlimited internet plan on their device. So if someone is having limited data then watching TV can be really cost more money as streaming TV will surely use lots of data. So these are the two reasons why I am avoiding watching TV on my phone. Though I watch them on mobile when there is no TV around. But that is occasionally.
Definitely not a waste of money! Smartphones are okay to watch short clips or play songs but watching long movies and spending a lot of time on smartphone is definitely not good for our eyes. So watching TV is always better than a smartphone, plus you can do it with your family. Blue emission from smartphones is a concerning factor which is not there in TV screen considering the distance we watch it from. So it is definitely not a waste of money.