I don't think I can ever stop watching TV series, because I'm very much addicted to it. Sometimes I go on downloading it myself and watching on my tablet. It's become part of me so much I cannot do without it. So therefore, television is so much important to me as much as anything other thing that I think can be vital to me.
I personally think that TV's are not waste of money. Even though we can all watch it in our smartphones or tablets, using the TV when watching a movie or series is great for our family. I think it's better to watch it with our family rather than being solo when watching videos or movies.
a TV screen is bigger than a smart phone's screen and therefore much more comfortable to watch. Especially if it is a movie, I would much rather watch it on a bigger screen.
I remember when the flat panel (LCD) TVs came out, back in early 2000s I would say-but they were quite expensive. Nowadays though, these TVs are very cheap, compared to what they used to cost you. You can really enjoy a very big picture today on these TVs, and also hook your stereo sound up-to give you a very nice theater experience. So no I think they are a very good purchase, to stream movies or music,or watch DVDs on them so you do not strain your eyes on smaller devices.
I agree that it's all a matter of personal choice. For me, I mostly work and play online, so I spend the bulk of my time staring at my laptop and I've grown so used to it that I find it easy to watch movies and programs on it. It seems normal for me now, but I can imagine the screen would be a little too small for someone who is used to watching on a big television screen.