I used to have some customized clothes because I liked making my own printed shirts at some point, and also I knew someone who made other custom clothing. I really enjoyed having those items at the time but I've slowly veered off of them because there's so many affordable clothing store choices now. I'm thinking of getting back into it though specially since there are some sites that specialized in custom or handcrafted items. What are some items you prefer to be customized and where do you buy them?
I have always toyed with the idea of having a pen engraved with my name on it, because I found a Parker pen with a company's name engraved in it when I was still in school many years ago, so I though it would be cool to have one. A hanky with my name on it would look cool as well.
I don't really enjoy customized clothing, unless they are made by a quality company. Because if they are not, and you just get a print on them, the print begins to fade within the first few washes, which sucks. I don't mind having anything customized, as long as it looks good. I love being one of a kind, so having things customized is right up my alley.
I have never had customized clothes. I would like a customized hanky as well Sidney. I think pillows are nice to customize or purses maybe. Of course jewelry is nice customized too. The engraving on jewelry is so nice. I wonder what it is that makes us love our names on our clothes and accessories?
@DreekLass, I also don't like printed shirts too. I think if we can have them embroidered instead, then that would be great. @Andrea Phillips, I think it's because of our innate nature to be unique. We always want to be the only one that has this particular design of something, but since it's mass produced, we don't have a choice, and a lot of people will have the same item. So we settle for seeing our names in our belongings to set it apart from others.
Customized t-shirts are kind of popular here in my country, and they sell really well. I actually still own some customized t-shirts. It somehow gives you your own "branding." I absolutely like wearing them.
I actually don't like anything customized. I have some things, a pen is fine and a photo album but I would never wear any customized clothing. It's personal as I don't like it as it looks too fussy. My brother likes items customized though, but I find it a bit tacky. Now if you design your own things that's different, but I still tend not to wear them unless it was for a particular event.
I'm not keen on "name tag" items on the whole and I think that they are a really bad idea for young children. I could well imagine a child thinking that it was OK to go off with a stranger because that stranger knew what their name was and therefore must know them.