Have you guys hear of the UP by Jawbone? It's one of those activity trackers. Similar to the fit bit. I picked it over the it bit because all the reviews I read say that it monitors activity and sleep more accurately than the fit bit. I want to know how I am sleeping at night, and how many calories I am burning during the day. It's an effort to get healthier. Anyway, some of the bad reviews talked about its poor battery life. People said they kept having to get it relpaced every month almost. I figured Id give it a chance and ordered i anyway. I had the product for exactly TWO days and the batter died and wouldn't charge properly. I contacted customer support and they are sending me a new one, free of charge. But it's still annoying. Now I've been without the product for 4 days, and who knows how long the battery on this new one will last... Maybe I have buyers remorse already. The only problem is.. when the product is working properly, I LOVE it! I'm sort of in a quandry here.
I got an Up Band, and I love it. I did have some issues with it. After using it for about 6 months it completely stopped working and I had to get it replaced. Luckily, I still had the warranty on it. My husband has had to have two of them replaced. It is very annoying, but nevertheless, when it is working it is awesome to have a gadget like this that pretty much calculates everything you do all day. I love the app that it comes with and how it lets you scan the barcode on everything you eat.
I thought about getting one a million different times, mainly for the sleep tracker. I read review after review after review... Mostly good, but the main issue is exactly what Juno said. After 3-6 months, they stop working. I don't know exactly why and i think it's a definite issue. The app interface is definitely one of the best I've seen in all of the fitness trackers. Fitness trackers in general aren't 100% accurate. There's no way for the to be. However, they usually underestimate what you're doing rather than overestimate which is good. It still influences you to work harder.
As long as you get a good battery in the unit, Jawbone's fitness trackers are great, especially if you're not into the bulk of an actual smartwatch. Fitness trackers tend to have great battery life because the truth is they don't do that much, even when they are tracking your body information. They've all got their own issues, too, of course.
The only thing that I liked about the Jawbone was its app. It is really nice and detailed. Much more than Fitbit. However, the Fitbit that I got had a display so I could see where I was regarding progress throughout the day and without having to check my phone and it had an altimeter, which is really important to me because of the amount of stairs that I have the capability to climb every day. Unfortunately, I lost that one, but I will most likely buy the Fitbit Surge when it is officially released.
My mom got one of these for Christmas from her job; just like I had figured when she first got it, it ended up going to me (she did use it or a few days before giving it to me though). So far it works pretty well; I have no major complaints about it. It was kind of annoying to sleep with at first but once you get into a deep sleep you don't really notice it too much. It does overestimate sometimes about how many times I get up during the night but not by too much. Overall its a good little tracker; and my mom got it for free so you can't beat that.