Keh Camera Review (selling Camera Gear To Them)

Discussion in Stores Reviews, Comments & Complaints started by ohiotom76 • Jun 19, 2015.

  1. ohiotom76

    ohiotom76Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2012
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    I recently unloaded almost all of my digital SLR equipment that I had purchased 5 years ago, since I wasn't really using it and the camera body itself had stopped working for some reason. Initially I had started to sell some of the items on eBay, which was working OK, but I had to keep fielding questions from potential buyers and I was worried about selling everything to a bunch of different people, increasing the odds that one or some of them might try to rip me off.

    After doing some searching around online, I decided to sell the rest of it all in one swoop to KEH camera. This actually turned out to be the better and more cost effective option - they take care of the shipping, vs. having to ship out to a bunch of different people and eat the shipping costs yourself. You simply fill out a form on their site (which auto populates conveniently as you type) listing all the equipment you will be sending them and it calculates what they will pay you for it all. Then you print off the shipping label they provide you and send it off to them. Within 10 days of receiving your stuff, they will either pay you the amount they initially offered online or contact you if it is less after they get done evaluating what you sent them. As long as you are honest about the condition of your gear and don't try to say everything is on 100% pristine condition when it's not, you should get what the initial offer stated. I got mine within about 8 days of them receiving my stuff, and it wen't directly into my Paypal account. No delays or holds on your funds either like PayPal does with eBay transactions.
  2. Diane Lane

    Diane LaneWell-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2015
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    Ahh, good for you. I remember you posted about potentially selling it piecemeal, but were concerned about scammers on eBay. I'm glad you found a solution that worked for you, and were able to get paid without a lot of hassle. I have a friend who has an older high quality dsl camera and related equipment that he's considering selling, so I'll let him know about this option.