Log In Fox Valley Humane Association was choosing to euthanize a cat/kitten rather than give it back to the family because they did not have the money (at that time) to get the cat back. The family was denied payment arrangements and told the cat was unadoptable because he would not use THEIR litterbox. I cannot believe that a humane association would prefer to euthanize an animal rather than give it back to the owners. My support is from here forward for NO-KILL shelters.
That is just terrible! I thought the idea was to adopt the animal out if it was at all possible. I am surprised they didn't work something out with the family for the sake of the animal. We have several shelters in the area and only a couple of them have the no-kill policy. A new organization has stepped up and they will do to the euthanizing shelters and save what animals they can. It is all done by volunteers and they foster the animals out of their own homes. We support this group and the local no-kill shelter now.
That is horrible! There should have been something that could have been worked out. I can't believe the shelter was even thinking of euthanizing before giving kitty back to the owner. Our local shelters would not even take in a stray cat right now because they choose not to euthanize and they know that they would be harder to find a home. Some are older and are wild. We have a problem with wild cats in our town. So this makes me sick to think a shelter could do this.
I think a lot of shelters are over crowded, leading to shocking stories like this. I was looking for two kittens this time last year, and my first choice was to get a rescue. I then found out that a rescue cat cost anywhere from $200 - $400 to adopt, EACH! I was completely shocked at this, especially when a pet store is $90, or free on Kijiji. I ended up getting them from Kijiji then paying for them to be spayed, which was still cheaper than the rescue price!
What...the...f*ck? I do understand having a reclaim fee and I understand maybe being afraid she might abandon the sick cat on the initial checkin (like hey, the cat did get out and it's very sick, etc), but that is the farthest I can accept this. Everything beyond that initial call is absolutely ridiculous and not okay at all. The whole point of a shelter is to get animals adopted out and this woman obviously cared very, very much about the cat. She was there daily, trying to get it the food and medicine, and kept trying every outlet she could to get it back. To resist like this is ridiculous. Geez, give her the cat and send her a bill. It costs more to house and kill it than it does to risk her not paying the bill.
I had the opposite problem. My family took in a friend's cat when there was no other place for the cat to go, except for one of the shelters where he would not have lasted long. The cat had to live outside, because of my extreme allergies to cats. We didn't have a lot of money, but we fed the cat and gave him attention. One night he had a fight with a dog or coyote, not sure, and was hurt very badly. The wounds were quickly getting infected and the cat just lay there. The cheapest deal I could find the have the cat put down was $95, but I didn't have that kind of money. No one would help me. These places will put animals down every day, apparently even when their family wants them, but when the animal is suffering and close to death, they won't help. Instead, they lectured me over the phone on how abusive it was to force a cat to live outside. I allowed this cat to live longer, because in one of those shelters he would have been killed. When he really needed them, they were of no help at all.
I have a sad pet story too. I adopted a senior 4 year old cat for a buddy for my old 14 year old cat. When I brought Leona Petunia home she was a recluse, so I let her settle in. I don't let adopted pets go outside for a long time so they know they belong to me. My other 2 boys, yes I had another adopted one as well, accepted her and they went in and out, but Leona Petunia never did. She slept a lot. She ate like she was always starved, so I had to limit her food intake. I never had to do that for a cat before. Shortening the story she got one illness after another and finally I got an answer to my prayer to have her tested for feline leukemia. The shelter sold me a dying cat. They said they did a test, but my own vet said it probably was a false negative because of how they do the test. I only gave her a good home for 8 months. It broke my heart to let her go to Heaven. I wanted to go to the shelter and tell them what they did, but I can't talk about it without crying.Shelters are death traps. I wish I could let all the animals out.They would be better off, in my mind.
Pretty sad stories here. I can't believe that a humane society would prefer to kill a pet rather than letting the owners take him or her and give the pet a home where they are loved and wanted. It is pretty sad and pretty scary that so called animal lovers would even think about doing this. i will remember not to contact this humane society. I wonder how they treat the animals there if they are willing to kill an innocent animal.
That is so sad and wrong. Some cats won't use a litter box if it don't have the type or brand of kitty litter it's accustomed to. I absolutely support no kill shelters. I love Petsmart, they donate space to animal shelters to get cats adopted out. I do demos there sometimes and see the cats getting adopted.
This is sad that the shelter would do something like this. I hope something happens to stop this from happening. I know I would be upset if I was the owner of the cat or even a dog if this was happening to a dog.