Do you take advantage of kindle samples to make sure that you like a book prior to purchase? I really like reading samples, and more often than not I will end up buying the book. Sometimes though the sample itself is enough for me. I love the huge collection of samples that are available with kindle books.
I definitely take advantage of the samples available for Kindle. Whenever I'm in the mood for a new book to read I check out a few samples and always manage to find something good.
I certainly take advantage of Amazon eBook samples all the time. The frustrating thing's that samples aren't always indicative of the overall quality of the books. I've lost count of the amount of times I've absolutely loved a sample, only to hate the book! But even so, I still read the samples.
I also am one to take advantage of the kindle samples. I was kind of late to the Kindle phenomenon. In fact, I only downloaded my first kindle sample on my tablet two months ago. I ended up not enjoying the sample, and decided not to purchase the entire kindled book. It is good, because in real life with books you wouldn't get that sample.
I do use the samples to read the introduction and to see the table of contents. Some have been very useful and I did go on to purchase and others didn't impress. When I self-published my e-book you can choose how much in percentage terms you allow to be downloaded as a sample. The sad thing is that other sites market your free downloads on their sites as I discovered.
I've always been one to flip through a book to read a few random passages before deciding whether to buy, so I definitely appreciate the availability of a reading sample prior to purchase. I agree that the sample isn't always indicative of the entire book, and I'm still sometimes disappointed with a purchase, but I still think it's better than movie trailers, where they often stuff the best 10 minutes or so of a movie into the trailer, which can be very deceptive.
If it's an author I haven't read before, I definitely try the kindle sample to decide. Sometimes books have great reviews but reviews can be bought. And even if the people reviewing it really read it and really enjoyed it, that doesn't necessarily mean that I will enjoy the author's writing style, you know?
I have downloaded quite a few samples in Kindle. It is great that they have that because it does help you decide if the book is worth buying or not. I use this Kindle app on my iphone and it's just really frustrating how there's samples you can download within the app but no option to buy it in the app.