Check it out: If you like Krispy Kreme like I do this is awesome! Perhaps doughnuts for the office is a good idea this coming Friday...
Mmmm*drooling like homer simpson* "Krissspy Kreeeme Dooougnuts" *more drool.* This is a great offer, it really is!! All I need now is a wheelbarrow to help with the stocking up.
I feel you! I am resisting the urge to just by myself a ton of doughnuts to live off of for the remainder of the summer.... I think at best I will get everyone to pitch in and maybe get enough to share with the office if people are interested. Setting some limits for myself sounds like a better move for my health.
This is an amazing deal! Krispy Kremes are an amazing deal, they don't need no stinkin' specials. I really am going to see where a Krispy Kreme is located near me and consider going this Friday. I actually know where they definitely are, but they aren't the states that I am currently in. I have find one close to me. Thanks for the thread, it is good to have such advanced notice.
Love Krispy Kreme doughnuts but the closest one to us is in another state and a good 45 minute drive. I would love to get in on this deal though. I haven't had a Krispy Kreme in forever! I'll have to see if there is someway we can go on a road trip this Friday. Thanks for the share!
Wow this is a nice offer to get alot of doughnuts without spending so much.Its good for a party or something you want to do, thanks for sharing.I hope i can get some
Wow... To think that you would get 24 donuts for $6-7 dollars is pretty unbelievable. I better find some sort of event to bring donuts to on that day. Because to have those home would just be a nightmare. Ha! Thanks for the heads up!
If you do the road trip, then you must commit to not buying one second before that red sign starts to flash. There is no reason to go that far and not get all of what you just know you went to have!
Most welcome everyone! Will try and catch deals ahead of time so people can plan for them. I know I am that way and require advanced notice so I don't forget and can plan my attack! I hope everyone is able to enjoy some Krispy Kreme this week! ^__~