Learn Japanese From Some Guy Ebook

Discussion in Books, eBooks & Audio Books started by davos • May 10, 2016.

  1. davos

    davosActive Member

    May 10, 2016
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    Title: Learn Japanese From Some Guy: Quickly and Easily Master Beginner and Intermediate Level Japanese Grammar.

    Autor: Jeremy Rasmussen
    Available in: Amazon.com kindle

    Last year. I got this free full kindle version during its release when I was into intermediate level japanese study. Content wise, the ebook provides fairly clear, beginner friendly grammar, hiragana and katakana explanations, backed up with multiple simple examples followed by a serie of simple exercises that help to reinforce the newly adquire grammar rules.

    Is meant to give a good grasp of japanese foundations without delving in convoluted explanations behind every grammar rule as some traditional books do. Therefore, is not good enough study material if you're looking forward to take N2 Japanese proficiency test or higher. But it is good enough to cover the basics.

    But the thing is that there are already free alternatives such as Tae Kim grammar guide. Although Jeremy's book is more straightforward and easier to understand compared to Tae Kim's work.

    To summarize, is a pretty decent book for its target audience (beginner and lower intermediate japanese students), and is not a poor choice at all for just 8$, even compared
    to free material.
  2. Denis Hard

    Denis HardWell-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2013
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    I'd start with free lessons. Better to learn the language [how to speak it] first before you start learning anything else. But that's just how I get it done when I'm learning a new language. Others may want to start with something else.

    Thanks for sharing, anyway.
  3. xTinx

    xTinxWell-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2014
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    That's a great Japanese learning resource but the caveat of course it that you need to have prior knowledge of the language. Meaning, you should have gone through a beginner's course or maybe an anime enthusiast with knowledge of certain words, expressions and intonations. Anyway, it's the foundation that matters. Once you're ready to go in-depth, then this book could serve to reinforce your existing knowledge.