Less Talk And More Action In Regards To The Utilization Of Alternate Energy

Discussion in Gas & Electricity started by explorerx7 • Jun 9, 2017.

  1. explorerx7

    explorerx7Active Member

    Jan 18, 2016
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    We have been hearing repeated discussions on the virtues of switching from the energy that is derived from Fossil fuel to that which is obtained from alternate energy sources. There is no doubt that alternative energy is more friendly to the environment and the wellbeing of the population in general. Many of these alternative resources are more easily accessible than fossil fuel but it seems that there is something that is inhibiting their utilization on a large scale. Compared to the availability of these alternatives, we are only seeing incremental approaches to their utilization. Some people believe that it's influence from the fossil fuels developers that is suppressing wider utilization of alternative energy sources. What do you think
  2. larryl332

    larryl332Active Member

    Oct 31, 2016
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    It really has been this way for quite some time, but I think that there is a lot more talk now, so maybe the action seems less. I think that most people are ready, we just need some leadership.
  3. Zero

    ZeroActive Member

    May 3, 2017
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    It's not as easy as you think or you might believe it is based on your post, alternate energy is without a doubt a remarkable innovation that will benefit us greatly but it will require time to implement.
  4. Jamille

    JamilleActive Member

    Oct 6, 2016
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    You just love this subject, don't you? ;)

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    If fossil fuel developers can invest on exploiting fossil fuel sources, they can always expand their investment to alternative energy, right? So I don't think that's the reason why the utilization of alternative energy has not been as fast as you would have expected.

    Like fossil fuels, alternative sources of energy have environmental and economic impact as well and governments must take this into consideration. There have been attempts to exploit alternative energy sources and some have proven to be not too cost efficient.. Production is one issue, mass adoption or utilization is another. Vehicles running on battery-powered electricity may be good for the environment, but can ordinary people afford them and their impact on transportation costs? Will they last long enough for investors to even reach ROI level? Solar-powered homes may save households from huge electricity, but for how long? Can they even recoup the investment? So really, all of these things require investment and a lot of thought.

    I also think that this will vary from country to country. My country, for example, have long been relying largely on geothermal energy and hydroelectric power to bring electricity to homes and these are renewable sources of energy. The goal is to eventually rely on alternative sources for most energy needs. We're getting there but it's not going to be an overnight process.