I think that these days most people look for their cars online as a first approach. I mean, it's the best way to know if it's worth it to check it personally right? Anyone that still doesn't do this?
My husband hates looking online. We are in the market for a second vehicle and he prefers to go to dealerships. I kind of agree. There's no comparison to seeing for yourself. I don't mind it as long as the weather is nice. Having worked at a dealership before there were more customers on the floor than inquiries on the dealership's website.
I find that strange to be honest MrsJones, I mean, I do need to see the cars physically of course, but first I see them online, I select a few of them that might interest me and then I go for the real deal, no need to waste time before that.
It wouldn't be such a bad idea to take a look at the car you intend to buy online then following up with actually taking a look at the car yourself then taking a step further by taking a mechanic you trust along for inspection so you can get an "informed" opinion regarding the actual condition of the car you intend to buy. The three step approach would ensure you get the best deal.
I know more about automobiles than I'll ever need to know. However, I use the Internet to find those vehicles, although I tend to ignore the reviews and whatnot unless a given vehicle has glaring problems. THere's no reason not to use the Web to aid in finding a vehicle these days.
Although in the end we all want to see the vehicle in person and take it for a test drive but the initial task of getting information about different brands and their rating is so easy to do online. My roommate is still kind of old school too but always checks online for statistics and ratings of vehicles before he actually goes to the dealer. For other things, he doesn't investigate online but for cars, he does.
It's pretty much a matter of saving time, I cannot spend the whole day at dealerships because I am at work, but if I was retired eventually I could do it. It's also a matter of time available.
I do believe that one should think about taking a car only after thoroughly checking it. I do not know what exactly should be done to get it online. But I feel checking every parts thoroughly is very important.
Yeah I think that is the practical choice. Look online and see the car in person. That's what the internet is for anyway, to make buying easier, so I will also do that if ever I will buy a car.