Is it any good. I saw it on TV and was thinking of ordering one. Makes all different noises like rain, the beach tides, the forest, the wind. I would mostly use the rain as I always sleep better in rain. Supposed to be crystal clear sound and have 30 different soothing sounds.
I was curious opening the thread thinking it would be a really weird machine LOL I've always seen this in movies and it looks awesome! I'm undecided between this and one of those buddhist-like little water fountains... I'll probably end up buying both Also, the prices on these are pretty ok! I love this kind of stuff! Have you seen these star projectors?Log In
I was expecting something odd too. But that is really cool. I use to have a CD I use to play that had all the sounds of different running water. It was so nice and helped me sleep. That would be really cool though, especially for children or babies. Also, Colebra, that is really cool. I really like that. I actually really want it now! Darn you, hahaha!
haha lol guys I really did not know the actual term for this. Then I googled it after I started a thread but only got company names . the best name i saw was "white noise machines" but yea i read my thread title and i see the ambiguity . should read "sound machine for sleep" . Mods !!
I've heard that soothing sounds can help you go to sleep but only if you focus all your attention on the sound itself. For someone suffering from insomnia induced too much thinking [which doesn't need to stem from depression or stress-related issues] I don't think the sound machine would get such a person [like me] to sleep. If it could though, it would be really good.
I don't know whether you really need a special machine to listen to soothing sounds that will make you fall asleep. I can achieve the same effect from listening to calming music on my headphones. I especially like the sound of the ocean, winds in the mountains and, strangely enough, the sound of happy chooks.
I don't need this product since I use a small fan in my bedroom to keep the air flowing. The drone and white noise of the fan is enough to lull me to sleep most nights and drown out any background noise that may disturb me. I've found now it is hard to sleep without it. I tend to hear every little noise without it.
There are sites on Youtube that have the music to help you relax with the sound of thunder storms, rain and birds tweeting in the background. I use these sites to help me sleep and I also have a fan going in the room to circulate the air and help drown out anyother sounds that may keep me from falling asleep. I have found the music to be very helpful when I find it hard to fall asleep.
Look up It's a free site which plays a rainstorm for you. There's an app for iPhone and Android as well which allows you to set a time over an hour, so that having the app running all night won't drain your phone. I think it's free, but I'm not sure about that. If it isn't free, it's very cheap. Likewise, you could also look into Sleep For Android, which is a similar app that I use. It's not free however, but it does feature a wider range of sounds such as sounds of the sea, a calm river, a lullaby and stuff like that. They're amazing!
I use my iPad or iPhone to listen on the "You Tube" app to relaxing sounds, rain, music, chanting...whatever puts you in la-la land. I just don't have room for anymore gadgets.
I don't think you even have to pay for getting to listen to such sounds. If you just search "free soothing sounds" on Google, then you will get lots of sites that offer free downloads of calming sounds. Unless you still want to pay for it, then it's your call...
I had one of these that I bought from Macy's many years ago. It was a rather cheap alarm clock that would make nature sounds and project the time onto your ceiling. They usually carry gadgets like these around the holidays. At the time I had a noisey neighbor and I was looking for anything to help me get to sleep at night, because he was keeping me up all night. I had two main problems with the device: 1.) The sounds were not very realistic sounding at all. The device was $19.99, so it only had one tiny little mono speaker that gave off weak sound quality. You had to be relatively close to the device to hear it, and the speakers could crackle at some of the louder moments in the sound effects. 2.) The other issue was the sound effects were very short loops. You can hear the same pattern of sounds repeating over and over again, which destroyed any realism they were trying to establish. That issue alone, was distracting and would actually keep me up instead of putting me to sleep, because it was so annoying. I tried some nature sound CD's on my portable boombox instead, which was a bit better, but the loudness levels were rather inconsistent throughout the CD, and sometimes it would get too loud, while other times I could barely hear anything. So I kept playing around with the volume levels all night. There is another device known as a White Noise Generator you may want to look at. It creates a pleasant wind-like sound which drowns out other sounds within vicinity of you. It's sort of like a loud fan in terms of what it sounds like.
How much does it cost? Instead of buying that machine, I'd rather download music that I like and listen until i fall asleep. Or if I really want that soothing sound, I think I can search for those kinds of sounds in Google and download it. I'm not gonna spend my money for a machine that doesn't really serve a purpose that cannot be replaced by my phone and headset or my speaker.
I don't honestly think it's worth the money. There's plenty of relaxing music with soothing sounds of the nature you can listen to. Those have always helped me fall asleep. Also, there are some guided meditations you can listen to. I guarrantee you'll be sleeping by the time they've finished!
I had a mobile phone app that was called Relaxing Sounds i think. I was having problems falling asleep. I found out that clearing your mind and listening to calming sounds worked the best for me. I tried seeing doctors and taking meds, but nothing has worked better really.
Thanks for the information on the app for your phone. I have been using my computer or tablet to play my mediation music, I often have the music running for hours. I find that the water sounds are very relaxing. I also use a fan as white noise to help me sleep and cover the outside sounds like horns or people talking.
I think it is a great idea and one that needs to be implemented very well. Some people are known to sleep well by listening to music or certain sounds. If not for adults, then this is a great idea for babies and children. Nowadays it is so difficult to make the children sleep that one must have separate time just to put them to bed. I would love to know how much it costs and what exactly sounds it can make. So I can decide thoroughly before buying.
I used to suffer from sleep Derivation a couple of months ago. or the record, I neveer took any kind of medicine or used any machine whatsoever. I think you should try meditation sometimes. It will help you go to sleep early and you will find yourself waking up early with ease. It's really effective.