I found some really clever Valentines Day coupon ideas online and think this year this is what I am going to do rather then buy chocolate or ask to go out. You can make the coupon for just about anything you want and they are fine for just about any member of the family. I think I will get the kids some coupons that will be good for a story night or movie night and hubby, well I can think of more then one for him. I like the idea, it is fun and really easy. Do you think it will seem cheap?
I've seen some of those Valentine's coupons, and they can be really cute. I've seen some free printouts to make nice ones. I think that if they look nice and offer something that the recipient will enjoy, it can be a good gift. My husband would probably prefer a book of coupons for back rubs than other typical heart day stuff. I might just make one for him. My kids, I don't know. They'd probably rather have goodies.