Hi there! As I come on this site frequently the first thing I do is check the "New Posts" page:Log In It seems it's been recently updated, now there are avatars next to each thread. That looks great, but... the little icon/different color that used to be in topics I've already posted on seems to be gone now. Is there any way we could get the threads in which we've posted on marked with a different color, icon, font, or something to make them look different than actual new threads, please?
Hi! The difference between new and old posts: 1. Thread text is bold 2. There is a little image in front of that threads that will takes you directly to "first new post" 3. Threads with no new posts have the avatar slightly greyed out.All are active either when you browse or search. Other notes regarding avatar in front of thread:If the user posted in the thread, they see a mini version of their avatar overlayed.Locked threads have a lock image overlayed.Soft-deleted threads have a red X image overlayed.If a thread is "hot", the shadow of the icon will change color in blue
Hey, I see me! I *love* this feature and I'm so happy to see that you implemented it here! Oh good. Thank you! I hate when I enter a locked thread on another site, look for the reply button and only -then- can see that it's been locked because there's no indicator from the outside.
Hmm, I'm actually -not- seeing that implemented, though. I know the feature and love it on other forums, but my most recent thread replies still don't show the mini-icon on the outside. You might want to check on that?
Thank you! I forgot to activate the addon. Now it ok. The blue border = hot thread ( is auto activated on over 150 views or more then 15 reply to a thread ).
Great observation and suggestion. And I really have to say this, I really like your avatar! It makes me smile every time I see it!
It's great to have so many extra indicators, and the icons and shading is different to the standard coloured envelopes to indicate hot threads or threads with unread posts. The forum is really looking good now, and when there are so many threads to browse, it's handy to have so much information available before you go in. Thank you, and keep up the good work.
Hay, there is no any way we could get the discussions in which we've published on noticeable with a different shade, symbol, typeface, or something to create them look different than real new discussions.
I am loving it all! You all keep making this site more & more enjoyable. It's my favorite forum to visit daily!
I wish more of the forums I visited had an indicator regarding what thread I have already posted in. Surprisingly few do have this feature and it is so frustrating.