I really do not get along with my mother that well. And she lives a long way away from me. But I do always send her a card through regular snail mail. She does always appreciate it. And I do call her and speak with her. I do not have a lot of money anyway, so I would not be able to get an exdravegent gift. My kids always make me a home made gift for Mothers Day. I have artwork and different little crafts that they have made for me all over our home. It is really the best gifts I could ever get. They are thoughtful and from the heart.
I am not a Mother, but I had a great day with my mother. My mother is not a Flower or gift type of person. I wish she was, but she isn't. I always give her a Card with Money. I think I am going to just change it up a different way like maybe do something different like put the money in a box that she may not expect it.
In China, Mother's Day becomes a prevailing days a few years,so for my mom who is a little traditional, I give her a bunch of flowers as a present, but she always feels quite happy.
We are the product of our moms so why not surprise them every once in awhile with something they do not even expect. I think I would change it up and take her someplace that she would want to go on vacation or something like that. I know she would appreciate that very much.
Well I got my mother all of the mentioned except for the skin care part of it. Got her a nice jacket she has had her eye on for a while, the flowers, hugs and kisses are always obvious
Nowadays, mothers are more and more fashionable and with proper skin care.Sometimes, when walking together, they are more like sisters than mother-daughter.Log In In China, many mothers, even some young girls, like dancing at a square at the evenings, they all like above style dress with billowing skirts.
The last Mother's Day doesn't seem a year ago, time flies. I'm not sure what to buy my mum this year. I might take her out for a nice meal up town. There is an Italian restaurant she always talks about so I could take her there.
I always have a hard time finding something for my mother on mothers day because she's very laid back she doesn't wear a lot of jewelry she doesn't wear make up and she's picky about her clothes but I finally found the perfect gift to give my mother just take her shopping!!!! So this year I just took her out shopping and she got her a nice dinning room table and she was happy with that! I never knew it could be so easy so I decided that's what will do every year lol
My mother's birthday is coming, I am considering what gift for her?Log In I don't know what to give to her.