My Gas Got Shut Off. Any Alternatives?

Discussion in Gas & Electricity started by couponaholic • Aug 6, 2012.

  1. couponaholic


    Jun 25, 2012
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    We are struggling to pay bills and was not able to make our gas bill payment. We are in Michigan so the heat bill doubles up in winter and you surely pay for it during the summer. Our gas company shut the heat off and it's fine mostly since it is summer time and all, but we still need hot water.

    My stove is electric, the clothes dryer and all other appliances are electric. The only thing we need gas for is the hot water heater. So, we have been taking showers using a solar shower bag that we hang in the shower, but it's rough because we have a lot of kids and it takes HOURS to get everyone bathed.

    Can you help me come up with any other alternatives that will not cost much money?
  2. taskeinc


    Apr 8, 2012
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    Depending on what state you live in you should be able to search for the least expensive gas company you can find (of course you knew that I'm sure). Also you might be able to get a discount on utilities if you go the public assistance route, which should not be a problem if you have 2 or more children. When the winter months roll around, if you still do not have Gas you might want to consider purchasing electrical heaters at Lowe's or Home Depot. A good one will cost you about $50-$60 and will heat up a room or hallway.

    Hope this helps, good luck.