My Review of the "Million Dollars in 10 Days" BluePrint

Discussion in Product Reviews started by niceness8000 • Sep 18, 2012.

  1. niceness8000

    niceness8000Active Member

    Aug 6, 2012
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    I purchased the ebook that I posted the Youtube video about (

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    ). I really didn't know if this was a scam, so I was worried about giving out my credit card information. This was my biggest concern. First of all, it costs $9.00 and you pay through Paypal. You don't give any of your credit card information to the author. When I saw that, I went ahead and got a copy.

    After reading the ebook, I can say for sure that this IS NOT a scam.

    I don't know about making 1 million dollars, but this book does lay out what I think is a pretty effective plan to find your target market and to get them interested in your products fast. It has potential if you do the steps outlined in the ebook right. I'm building a very highly qualified list of customers. He also goes into what mistakes he made and why, and he also talks about why he does not tell you how much money he actually made.

    The ebook is well-written and easy to understand. I believe that he should change the title because nobody believes it (I told him that by-the-way), but I also believe that if you have something you sell online, that this plan can sell it for you. The only thing that this ebook does not get into is how to write effective sales copy and subject lines. I already know some of that, so it wasn't really a problem for me. But if you don't know this stuff, then you can go by trial and error, or read a book on sales copy. I didn't read anything about money-back guarantees, but I personally won't need one. Other than that, I don't see any reason why this won't work the way he lays it all out.

    Apparently I was the first customer, so Paul Snyder (the author), put my testimonial on his website. If you visit the site you will see it in the middle of the page. That's me:cool:

    In case you're wondering: I already checked - He does not have an affiliate program. I get nothing for this review. But I am impressed with what the ebook has to say. It's definitely worth more than $9.00. He says he's taking it down at the end of December. You may want to consider getting a copy before then - just sayin'
  2. sergiu23

    sergiu23Active Member

    Apr 2, 2012
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    Well, I must asked: have you read other books on this subject before? i also have many, printed and digital. The main problem is that you must find that thing that you can produce and sell, from there on you can make loads of money by various strategies. Consider me mean, but I think you wasted 9 bucks :)
  3. sidney

    sidneyWell-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2012
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    It's quite hard to make 1 million in 10 days, but I bet this guy that you are referring to is into affiliate marketing isn't he? I find it quite fussy and complicated to sell products to people. Is he selling only digital products or tangible products as well?
  4. jovan107

    jovan107Active Member

    Aug 2, 2012
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    Thanks for doing a review on the e-book. I understand where your coming from. I'm not sure what his e-book says, but it does sound interesting.
  5. Parker

    ParkerWell-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2012
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    I do think it's possible to make a million dollars in ten days, but it takes a lot of work before than point. Perhaps even months laying out the ground work to get to the point where you can make that much in a short period of time.