I have played Sweepstakes for several years. I have won some really big prizes and lots of small prizes. My biggest win ever was a 3D Samsung T.V. that included (4) 3-D glasses. My next big win was free Coke, Wheat Thins and Ritz crackers for a year (in the form of 52 coupons). I also won free milk for a year (in the form of 52 coupons). Cash prizes were: $50 Visa card, $100 Target gift card, $20 Visa and several $5 gift cards. Other smaller prizes were: coupons for candy, t-shirts, umbrellas, coffee mugs, hats, a jacket, and Bop It game. I admit I have been lazy this year about playing the sweeps, but I plan to get back into it. Be careful. There are some really good legit sites as well as scams.
These are quite fabulous prizes you have won. The fact of the matter is everyone stands a good chance to win. I am not a fan of sweepstakes though I have participated in the past. I came to realize that tucked away from public view with regard to the glorious stories from winners and sponsors is the fortune they have spent to increase the probability of winning. Some even end up spending more than the actual value of the prizes.
Gee, what a nice read this thread is. Stories of winning always makes me light-hearted. Unfortunately, I am not lucky with raffles and sweepstakes. In fact, even the office raffle every Christmas, I had never won even once except for the consolation prize. And with the free raffle ticket in ther supermarket, I had stopped filling up those raffle tickets a long time ago because I already had lost hope in winning. But I bet on lotto sometimes.
How did they have to spend more? Most of the prizes are not tax deductible. Now when you win a big prize, it is. We didn’t have to pay much for the T.V. It was mainly the taxes. You can’t avoid paying it because when you win a super big prize, they will ask you for your social security number and you sign an affidavit. When I had to do this I made doubly sure that the company was legit. It was actually part of the Kraft company who sponsored the T.V. and the snacks. I was able to call corporate and verify that the person who was asking for my SS # was an employee there. Other than that all the prizes I won, the only thing I spent was my time. The only other pain-in-the butt thing is being added to the mailing list. I just use another e-mail for all the junk mail. I bet you can win! I use to get discourage a lot when I first started playing. It seems like I could not even win the instant ones. LOL. It was the norm for me to see “sorry try again tomorrow.” But I didn’t give up. I think what helped me was the message boards. One site I used they have a forum and people talk about what they won. Then when I started winning….even little stuff……that gave me hope. I had a cousin who use to talk about me all the time. Then one day she was online on this site that was giving away I Pads. Well she won!!!! Now she is a believer. It’s funny because in one sweepstakes I played I won a $100 gift card to Pet Smart. I don’t even own a pet. LOL. I actually played that one for my cousin who owns a dog, and I gave her the gift card along with a 5 lb. bag of dog food. Now when I won that one, I made her apologize for talking about me.
WOw that is impressive. Are there any tips for those of us who don't play sweeps and games that often? Where would you recommend looking for contests? I have won some things but nothing lately, and nothing near as good as you have won! That is really great! What is your secret?
My favorite site isLog In. The reason why I like this site is because it is well-organized. If the sweepstake is a daily one, you can click “Lucky List” and every time you sign in, you will see all your list of the daily sweeps. He also list weekly, other and one time sweeps. I really believe I did well because I tried to enter every day. I know that may be hard for some people so if you can set a time like twice a week or three times a week, that is still good. I would just spent maybe 15 minutes entering sweeps. I would also check for new sweeps every month. I also used RoboForm which will automatically enter your name/e-mail etc. There is also a forum on his site and you can read who won prizes. So I think the key to winning is to be consistent and to be positive. My thought is someone has to win, so why can’t that someone be me. I am just getting back into doing sweeps. I’ll let you know about my next win. Because I WILL WIN!!!! Also PLEASE use a separate e-mail address for Sweeps. You may have to be on mailing list and eventually you can just cancelled once the sweep is over.