I am on a low-carb diet, too, so I only eat the keto-bread that I make in the microwave that is carb-free. I use regular butter because it is so much healthier than margarine, which is known to cause clogged arteries in people. What do you mean by "anchor butter", @janemariesayed ? Is it a special kind of butter, or is that just a brand name ? I use butter, or cheese on my hot vegetables, too; since that is perfectly fine on a low-carb diet. I like avocado, and I have used it mashed on sandwiches along with cream cheese, and I think that it would also work fine on a keto-bread sandwich.
Hi @Happyflowerlady . Anchor is a brand of butter that we have here in the UK. They have a tune on their advert with singing cows that goes 'We are happy cows, we chew the cud and browse, Anchor, the green green grass etc!' A lively tune that makes you think the cows are eating grass, which they are of course supposed to, rather than dead sheep brain! It is a rich butter and slightly salted and tastes absolutely divine. Try it, you will love it.
How about some strawberry jam and a bit of olive oil on your toast in the morning or just a tad of olive oil on toast. I think just blueberry jam might be great also with no margarine, but not sure how healthy that is,but I do know that "Polaner All Fruit Blueberry Spread" is quite healthy. Its sweetened only with fruit juice and is a spreadable fruit which is healthy and quite good.