If you have any suggestions of new categories or subcategories they are more then welcome. Share your vision about the forum structure.
I'm wondering if it would be possible to put a list of topics with the most recent posts in them. This may include new threads or just new posts in existing threads. I've seen this used on other forums and I think it would be a great idea to see what's trendy and new.
I love it here! Couponing is something that I love to do. I'm a college student on a budget, so this is how I survive. However, I do have one suggestion. And, that suggestion would be to split the "coupons" section up, into maybe Online Coupon Codes & then Printable coupons. Another suggestions would be to split the section up into restaurants & retail stores, or something along those lines.
I know this falls under Reviews, but I think having a Restaurant Review section would be great. My family rarely goes out to eat and there is nothing more upsetting than going to someplace new and having a terrible experience. Going out to a sit down restaurant is a treat for us and I would love to be able to read what people think of certain restaurants.