I bought multiple small items from both China and Hong Kong on eBay about 2 weeks ago and so far the HK seller has already left me feedback as a buyer and also sent me a tracking number on ebay's member summary page. This is my first purchase on ebay so I'm not completely familiar with the subtle differences in how everyone does business, so I don't know if I should be worried that I didn't get a tracking number from the China based seller. Items from both are supposed to arrive anywhere between 2 weeks from now and a month from now if that matters.
I would request a refund if you feel uncomfortable, but I have bought tons of stuff from china with no tracking number. You can expect to wait up to a month for your stuff! It has to get through customs before it gets to the states. If the items are not what you expect you can request a refund from ebay. They are pretty good with that sort of stuff.
I too would agree that if you have doubts as to whether your items will arrive - it may well be best to request a refund - but that said - having also bought quite a number of items from China - although admittedly not through eBay - no tracking number and allowing up to four weeks at least for delivery - does appear to be the norm for anything bought from there - regardless of which site the items are purchased from.
Not all methods of shipping have tracking numbers, it depends what you paid for. Also it depends where you live as items from Asia (even express) can take longer due to customs. Look at the feedback from others and see their experiences. The seller can only give an estimated delivery time unless it is tracked and you have paid for tracking or if it was offered. Many don't because it cuts their profits.
Well, I think you need to do what makes you feel comfortable. The one time I ordered something from China, I was promised it would be delivered in six weeks, which I thought was ridiculous. It never came even after that length of time so I was forced to cancel the order. I don't think it is worth it honestly.
Most sellers don't ship with a tracking number especially if the item was cheap, but they always arrive in a month or less, so if I were you I will not worry because their dispute timeframe is now 180 days, so that's more then enough time to wait and see if your item did arrive or not.
Be patient. If you expect the items within two weeks then wait a little longer because they'll still be lots of time to dispute the transaction if you don't receive whatever it is you bought. Don't demand for a refund until you are 100% that the seller had the intention of scamming me you or when you no longer can wait for the items you bought to get to you.
Thanks! This was exactly the information I was looking for. I got a bit confused since the last time I checked the terms of ebay buyer protection Paypal was still under their company so I was more familiar with those rules and from what I remembered they only have around 60 days to file disputes and I've heard some horror stories of people getting duped by some sellers by delaying the transaction past the allowable window of time. Anyway, thanks again I'm now more at ease about my purchase and hopefully I will get my items from both sellers soon.
@DrRipley, The terms have been updated since Nov. 2014, I know I have been notified about it through their newsletters, so you should have received one as well, unless you deleted them without ever opening it. If you would want a tracking number then you can message the seller to include one, but you have to pay an extra $2.If the sellers asks you more than that then they are scamming you.
I recently placed an order for some organic blackstrap molasses, on Amazon, and it said the estimated date was the 27th of this month, and then when the order was dispatched and I got the email, it now says the estimated date is October the 31st, and when I went to track the order, I learned that it has no tracking and will not be getting one at all. So some products just aren't able to be tracked.
When ordering on Ebay you have to be careful on sellers in China or Hong Kong i ordered hello kitty watches from China once i never got my product or my money back, so i would try and go with America based sellers that have reviews and all.
I recently just joined and this is actually my first ever order on ebay and I only know of the previous terms vaguely because I browsed it a few times before when I first wanted to buy items and never did. Anyway thanks for the additional tip! Next time I'll be more informed in the way tracking works and how to approach it better. That sounds terrible, I hope the order wasn't expensive. Did you get to file a dispute? I'd love to hear what happened after if you don't mind giving more details. I honestly would like to buy from American sellers but unfortunately I'm not based in the U.S. so it would be too expensive to ship items from there.
Although my item had no tracking order, and the estimation date changed between the date of purchase and the date of dispatch, I ended up waking up yesterday to see that the item had already been delivered. I went to the order on Amazon and still could not track it. But I could leave a review.
Some tracking services aren't properly updated, I have experienced buying an item in Israel and even if I already got the item, it's still in transit on the tracking company's website.
Yeah, withe the Molasses that I ordered it arrived like two days ago, and on the Amazon website it still doesn't say that the item has been delivered, even though I have it, so I don't know what is going on. Perhaps it wasn't updated, just as you said I plan to order more from the same seller, so hopefully they will update the tracking soon.
@DreekLass, But if they will arrive quickly, like in a matter of days in your case, then having a tracking number doesn't matter anymore, right? Lol. I didn't know what molasses are until I googled it. I thought it was a plant!
The Molasses took more than a couple of days to arrive, and I didn't really feel the need to track it, as I trusted that it was going to arrive and that everything would go as it was supposed to. But I still like to have the option of tracking, you know? The Molasses has been amazing. I have been feeling very anemic recently. After the first tablespoon of Molasses, I had lots of energy and did not feel as week. Magical!
@DreekLass, I didn't know that molasses can also treat anemia? If that's the case, then good for you, it's way cheaper than having a check up in the hospital.
I live in the UK, so NHS treatment is free for me. But If you are working and go to the doctors to get a checkup, and the discover that you are anemic, they will prescribe iron tablets that you have to pay for. Each prescription costs eight pounds each, which can really add up. Molasses is gentle on my stomach. The iron tablets that I paid for gave me intense abdominal pains, diarrhea, and vomiting all at the same time.
@DreekLass, I was also diagosed with anemia before and I was made to drink those tablets, I forgot the name. I never really noticed anything different health-wise before and after I was diagnosed with it, it's weird. I was just told I look pale.