I've had my Nook for many years now, and it finally died on me last night. I enjoy reading books electronically, and so I need a replacement. Should I stick with Nook or should I try another eReader? If I should try a different one, what are the benefits of having that over the Nook?
If you like having a Nook for a specific way to read, then get another one. If at any time you would like to do more, then get a tablet and the Nook app. I actually like having a specific reading device.
I like having a specific eReader over a tablet as well; it's really all I need for when I want to stay up at night reading. I was just wondering if anyone had had a positive experience with another device, such as a Kindle. I'm trying to weigh the costs and benefits of those two specifically right now, but I'm definitely open to other suggestions.
The Nook is a good option. I mean obviously Kindle is very dominant right now, but I am pretty sure Nook with have good market share for the foreseeable future. So if that is the device you are used it, and the price is okay, why not stick with it? I have a Kindle but honestly I find I am just not the "dedicated reader" sort. I use the Kindle system but read either on my tablet or phone.
I started with a Nook and then moved on to the Nook app, but now I use Kindle. I have had, repeatedly, horrible customer service from Barnes and Noble with various Nook related issues, so much so that I would rather spend my money elsewhere.
After weighing my options (especially with the cost), I think I'm going to go with the Kindle as well. Barnes and Noble has typically given me great customer service, but I'm sure that is because I walked into the store and asked for assistance from some of the sales representatives for the Nook. I'm sorry to hear that you didn't get the quality service that you deserved. What features do you like/don't like from the Kindle?
I just use the Kindle app on my phone and tablet, I don't have an actual Kindle device. I like that I can go back and forth between devices when reading the same book and it'll keep track of what page I'm on regardless of the device. Amazon has also partnered with Audible, so another feature that I really love is the ability to purchase an audio version of a book in addition to the text version, and you can easily switch back and forth between text and audio. It's called whispersync and if it's available for a kindle book you've bought, it's an extra cost but usually offered at a discount. (You could also subscribe to audible.com to use this feature if you do it very often, but so far I just purchase it on a one-on-one basis as the cost benefit of the audible.com subscription doesn't add up for me). Being able to listen to a book and switch back to reading it has been a big help with novels I read for classes; I would listen on my 45 min drive to class. I also use it while I'm out running but when I'm at home I can still curl up and read the book when I want to.
Amusingly enough, Nook itself died a few years ago for all intents and purposes. I think you're better off switching over to a Kindle Fire eReader or something from another manufacturer. Barnes & Noble isn't doing too hot, and that's especially true for the Nook eReaders and content. Find an eReader that supports numerous file formats for ebooks and then start building up your collection once again. The Kindle PaperWhite is an excellent device from what I hear.
I am sorry to hear that you must feel like you lost your friend. We do get attached to our ereaders. I think that kindle is a quality ereader. This is a good product. There are so many that are available now. M mom has a kindle fire and she really likes it., However, if you lied the nook that might be h way to go
I have a kindle, but I rarely use it and use the app on my tablet or laptop instead. I just don't like having too many devices, but having a kindle is useful, as some items can only be downloaded onto a kindle. I have a basic one which suits my needs as I have two tablets already (gifts).
I started with a kindle and stuck with it because all of my books are on amazon and by getting a new kindle, I could still access those previously purchased books. If you stick with a nook, you should be able to redownload all of your books to the new device. If you switch devices, you won't be able to do that, though you could still get a nook app for your phone to read nook books as you build your library for a different device.
You should go try buying a Kindle. I personally think it's the best ebook reader around. There's also a Kindle app you can download on your phone if you don't feel like buying a new ebook device altogether. The app is great and has a great interface and reading options.