I donate everything that can not be used in our house to the goodwill, clothes, furniture, dishes, books and toys. What is your trash is some else treasure. I look for unique items when I go to the goodwill store so I am sure someone is looking for my stuff as a unique item to them. Often I will see good items people have put on the curb to throw out and will pick it up and take it to the goodwill. I don't understand why people would prefer to throw good stuff in the trash instead of calling a goodwill truck to pick it up so waste full.
I've never sold clothes...I would only do that if they were in nearly perfect condition. I tend to wear my clothes in a good bit, though I have many that are still in good condition and just don't fit or aren't my style anymore; those get donated. Wrecked beyond repair ones will become painting clothes for a bit and then get tossed out .
Whenever I get too big for my clothes, my mother simply gives them to my relatives who are living in the province and I support her decision. My relatives aren't really poor but a set of clothes could always come in handy especially when they experience rough times.
I either give them away or sell them in rummage sales. Sometimes, I also sell used clothes over my Facebook account.
If the clothes are in good condition not faded or coming apart I will donate them. There are bins in my neighborhood where clothes, shoes and books can be donated. However, if the clothing is old, and faded as well as falling apart I will throw them away. After all, obviously these are clothes I got a whole lot of wear out of, and now these clothes aren't really in any condition for someone else to wear as well.
Normally, I would donate my old clothes but now I do something completely different. If the clothing is old, and I have lost interest in that item then I will go to the store and buy cloth. I will then take the clothing a part and create a style of my liking. I will never throw an item away when they can be altered. If the clothing is too small, I would normally give it away but I was thinking of starting an online shop where I would sell clothing. So, if something doesn't fit anymore I would just save it until I have my online business running. I am no longer a fan of giving things away because I am a struggling college student, and it would be absurd to give something away when I could make money off of it. Once I am well accomplished then I wouldn't have an issue with donating.
I usually have a clear out every few years. I go through my wardrobe and pick out the clothes I don't want for whatever reason. I put all the clothes in a black blag and take it to the charity shop. I like giving clothes to charity.
I usually give my clothes away to relatives or I I've it away to the Salvation Army. I don't like to store old clothes because I typically hate clutter so I try to empty out my closet so that I can fill it up with new up to date clothes.
As for old clothes, it's still a problem. I find no place to donate or sell them. So i just keep them. When i have no more place for them, i think i will throw them away.
If the clothes are in good condition I take them to the charity shop. If they are very worn I take them to a textile bank where they are recycled - into what I dont know, but probably paper.
I always Freecycle my old clothes. This way a family in need can get them use them and then pass them on. i much prefer this than taking them to a thrift store, because well, in all honesty, it is less effort for me, but secondly, I like to think I am helping people who maybe don't even have the money for a thrift store!