Anyone use online libraries or other websites with free books? I started usingLog In and I am on the waiting list to borrow an ebook that would otherwise cost $17 to order. I don't search for books very often so I don't know how good their selection is but it seems very useful so far. What are other websites where you can get free books? Have you ever used an online library before?
I have never used an online library before. It makes no sense to me that they should place you on a waiting list for an ebook when the book is on their server. To be honest that concept of trying to operate like a real library sucks. Anyway, depending on the kind of book you want to read, there are some sites which could save you a little cash. They only upload Creative Commons license-type books and books copyrights have expired for everyone to read or download the without having to pay anything. Here a few I know about: Log InLog InLog InLog InLog In And the best of them allLog In