If you are an eater of the tropical fruit Papaya, Do not throw away the seeds. Wash them in a sieve to remove the slimy texture and sun dry or dehydrate the seeds with a dehydrator. Not only the seeds looks peppercorns, they tasted like pepper corns. You can easily use the seeds as replacement for peppercorns. You can also put them inside a pepper grinder just like the peppercorns. This video explains everything.
As I am staying in tropical country, we eat papaya quite frequently, but I never thought we can still keep the seeds for such purpose. I only kept them a few times because I was trying to grow papaya trees. Thank you for sharing this. We just bought a papaya, and I will save the seeds and try this out later.
My aunt stopped buying peppercorns because she is a regular Papaya eater and the seeds are free. She don't need to buy peppercorns anymore. It can be use for all recipes that needs peppercorns and capers. The seeds does have the peppery taste and spice.
Amazing. I eat a papaya frequently but I never thought about saving the seeds to use as peppercorn. And its so funny so know they would have a peppery taste as the fruit itself is far from tasting peppery.
This is new, an innovation I should say. We have lots of papaya growing in place. We use raw meat for our stewed beef and we eat the ripe papaya and discard its seeds or sow them for new papaya tree. Now you've given us the other uses of papaya seeds. We will try this. Thanks for sharing this.
When I was a little kid, I always thought papaya seeds looks like peppercorns but it is amazing how they also tasted like peppercorns. Papaya seeds tasted more like white pepper. They are less spicy than your average black peppercorns but they are free and they still have spice and heat.
You can also eat a tea spoon full of papaya seeds to purify your stomach and to kill off any stomach worms. The taste is pretty nasty and strong but if you can take it, it will save you money on worm medicine.
When I buy papaya I eat the seeds even though they are bitter but my said they were good to get rid of amibas. I have not bought any medication for that since I have been eating papaya seeds and I have been doing well. Now I have another reason not to throw them out and thanks for the tip even if I did taste them I would have never thought of this idea.