Party bags for kids' parties can be really expensive. we've just had a party for a lot of children, and saved ourselves lots of money by getting nice paper bags with little handles from eBay instead of the plastic character ones. They're nicer to look at, they can be played with by the kids afterwards, unlike plastic ones, and they come in different sizes so you can get the ones that fit the things you want to put in them instead of desperately trying to find plastic tat to make bags look full enough!
That sounds like a great idea, paper bags would be more environment-friendly, safer for the children and possibly cheaper. Do you have an Amazon link for the ones you bought so I can check them out? Sometimes it's a hassle fitting everything you want inside of the bags and once you close them I have no hope of opening them back up without ripping them up, at least clumsy me
Such a great idea! I remember party bags from when I was younger, I loved making them for my friends when I had a birthday party. We used to stuff them with candy and little toys. Does anyone else remember the aisle in party stores that had all of the little gadgets and toys for the bags?
We actually don't buy party bags. What we create ones by recycling papers from the magazines and newspaper and from other paper stuff as well. I think our way is just practical, though is really time-consuming. Not only we were able to save a lot of money; we were also able to diminish the trashes, and make something of what we have that no longer function for what they were bought for.