For some of us, we really enjoy shopping online because it's less hassle, time saving and more convenient. Some were satisfied after receiving the items, but some also were disappointed. I concluded in my own experience that we get disappointed because we didn't meet our expectation with the quality of the item as what we saw it in the picture. Sometimes or most of the time, items posted online have been applied too much photo editing to make it look more attractive to the shoppers and indeed sacrificing the satisfaction of the consumers. I suggest you should look for the raw or actual photo of the item before purchasing it so that you will know what exactly you will receive. Happy shopping!
It's relatively easy to be deceived when buying clothes online and since it would be very hard to tell whether a picture is fake or not until you get the clothes you bought, one should buy clothes [if they must buy clothes online] only from reputable sites that don't need to scam their buyers by editing pictures or posting pictures which they know are misleading.
It does depend on what you are buying, but clothes will always be hard due to the fact they don't photograph well or on models or hangers, they can be manipulated. When an item doesn't look like the same one that is sold, it is fraud, but often sites will have small print saying the item will be similar or not exactly as shown in the photo to cover themselves. Many companies do this, or the phrase, the photo may or may not represent the actual product. That always raises a red flag.
I'm well aware of this as I've become something of an expert at online shopping LOL Luckily for me, I've yet to receive something that I hated on sight because it doesn't look anything like what I thought I was ordering. I'm very cautious, and almost always ensure that I know exactly what I'm getting. Often, I'll see if I can find the item on the high street so I can touch it and maybe even try it on, before locating it online to buy. I opt for the online versions if they are cheaper and doing this really works for me. Touch wood, so far I've not been disappointed.