I have been near-sighted since I was around 10-years-old and although there are options of laser treatments for this eye condition, resorting to these treatments never occurred to me. I used to wear regular glasses most of the time and I wear contact lenses on occasions. My eyes dry up easily though whenever I wear contact lenses and I seem to be more irritated to glaring light when I'm on them that's why I always have to wear sun glasses with them. I've stopped wearing contact lenses for some time now and just resorted to wearing transition glasses. I've been contented with wearing them so I don't feel the need to wear contact lenses now. The feeling is even lighter for my eyes because I don't get dry eyes now. Transition lenses also help protect my eyes from the glaring sun and the lighting of the computer screen, which I'm always facing most of the time. What do you do to protect your eyes from external factors that could harm them?
I try to avoid staring too much into my PC screen until my eyes get blurry. I also don't wash my face when it is still tired from viewing a PC monitor. I wear glasses now too since I was 18, but I did not really neglect my eyes before it got blurry. In fact, we didn't even have a PC back then, so I guess it got blurry on it's own.
We also didn't have a computer when my vision began to deteriorate but I guess much of it had to do with my TV addiction as a kid and my fondness for reading even when it's already dark. My near-sightedness wasn't as worst as now though but when I was in my teenage years, I used to keep on removing my glasses whenever I would go out from school so I wouldn't look nerdy and all. My foolishness when I was young took more toll on my eyes though so now my vision has become even more blurry than when I first noticed it. So my advice for people who are just starting to notice blurring of vision to heed your eye-doctor's advice and wear your glasses as prescribed if you have one.
I can never go anywhere without my shades. My husband needs prescription ones and has both regular prescription and transition ones that he alternates. The sun here is especially bright, and I always wonder how so many people can walk around without any protection. I've also noticed that some people's eyes lose their bright spark too early, and I attribute that in part to not protecting their eyes against the elements, including the sharp glare of the sun!
I've never really protected my eyes and funnily enough, I'm the only one in my entire family that doesn't need glasses lol. The only problem I've had with my eyes is with computer screens. I found my vision was getting wacky and I was getting headaches a lot, until I turned down the lighting on my screen to it's lower setting.. now I have no issues at all. My husband has been wearing glasses or contacts since he was a kid as well. But since we changed the way we eat, he's been needing them less and less. I actually don't even remember the last time I saw him use anything to correct his vision. He brings them on the road with him, just in case, but otherwise I haven't seen him using anything.
I have worn eyeglasses since I was in high school. When I was in college, I resorted to wearing contact lenses although it's a bit of a hassle with the constant dropping of eye drops to the eyes and sometimes the pain from the lenses itself. So I went back to wearing eyeglasses since they're easier and more convenient, at least for me. Having blurry vision is very much difficult and I do wish I can afford those laser treatments as well. But here are some tips that I can give you with regards to taking care of the eyes:Always maintain a distance of at least 16 inches from any device's screen, be it smartphone, television or computer. You can also increase the font size if maintaining that distance isn't applicable.Buy anti-glare screen protectors from computer stores so you can protect your eyes from the screen's light.Take a break every once in a while when you're working with a computer or laptop. Every 20 minutes, look 20 feet away and try blinking for 20 seconds.Eat more vegetables and seafoods because they contain nutrients helpful in maintaining the health of your eyes.Have a regular checkup with an eye doctor to know the real condition of your eyes.I hope this helps!
I have been wearing spectacles for a very long time too, before I was a teenager. I have had to change them from time to time too. In order not to put too much strain on my eyes, I try not to spend more time at the computer than is necessary. In other words, I would get up in between and do other things before returning to the computer. I would also look away from the computer occasionally instead of staring at it for hours at a time. Where watching television is concerned, I do not watch too much at any one time. Here again, I would get up and move around. I also try not to spend too much time in the sun. However, if I have to do so for any reason, I would wear a hat or cap, but I do not wear sunglasses although this is also a good way to protect one's eyes from the sun's rays.