Push Reel mower

Discussion in Home & Garden started by Hedonologist • Jan 10, 2014.

  1. Hedonologist

    HedonologistActive Member

    Apr 6, 2012
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    How many people here have considered getting a push reel mower? Many of the new models are very easy to use, and they usually cost 1/5 of the price of a petrol mower. And one of the other big savings is that it doesn't actually cost anything to run!

    The best thing about it for me though is the fact that you will never have trouble getting it started (and injuring your finger in the process). I'm sure there must be a few more of us reel mower users here.
  2. avasmom


    Nov 26, 2013
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    I have been thinking of getting a push mower. My husband mows our grass, but I really would like to do it (for the exercise). I just can't get the gas mower started!

    My preliminary research has shown that you want to get one that is not too light weight. The heavier it is, the easier it will be to keep it mowing at a consistent length over uneven ground. This also means that it will be harder to push, but I believe it is a reasonable trade off.

    You will have to pick up twigs and sticks before mowing the lawn. Unlike a gas mower, a push mower does not have enough power to mulch these larger items and can jam the machine.

    I'm looking forward to reading responses from people who have a push mower so I can decide if it is worth the expense to get one.
  3. JosieP

    JosiePWell-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2013
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    I haven't used one yet.. the house we sold had a massive back yard and we were too lazy for one lol. We have a decent sized yard now, but nowhere near as big, so I was thinking of purchasing a push mower finally. I love the idea of not using a dangerous tool to cut our grass and polluting the air. I could finally make it a chore for my youngest son lol. Thanks for the reminder, I will definitely be buying one, it's going on the list right now :)
  4. Hedonologist

    HedonologistActive Member

    Apr 6, 2012
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    Yes indeed, I've tried to mow a few times before picking the twigs up and found that they do get caught up in the blades. If you are buying a new mower, the cost is 1/5 of even the cheapest gas mowers, and from then on, there is zero running costs.

    I would certainly recommend one as you never have trouble getting it started either. I think these are ideal for small lawns as if you had half an acre to mow you would get tired after finishing, but for a small back garden it's not much effort at all.