I'm building a website for a friend who is an aspiring artist that wants to showcase his art online (and eventually integrate Paypal). However, at the moment I don't have a huge amount of time to devote to the CSS template (as you can imagine, he wants it to be sleek and professional-looking). So my question is: Are there any open-source CSS template sites that you all would recommend? Free and editable designs are a necessity. Thanks!
Are you using Dreamweaver? because it comes with a whole bunch of pre-made css templates already in it. I also noticed this site:Log In. You might also want to look over at opensourcecms.com or hotscripts.com, they probably have some freeware gallery scripts that can be skinned or customized fairly easily.
I would suggest going with Wordpress which is an amazing content management system. The beauty of Wordpress is that it doesn't require much time for customization. You can install it in 5 minutes and apply a great theme in another 2 minutes and you are ready to post. I used to be a web developer earlier but ever since I discovered Wordpress, I have stopped coding! In case you decide to use wordpress, here is an amazing site that offers tons of free themes Log In
I agree. Since he plans on posting art regularly he can post "blog post" that showcase his new art. There can be a title and it can be very nicely displayed if you install some image plugins. There are plugins to incorporate paypal aswell so it will be quite easy
Wordpress and Wix.com are great and they're super easy to figure out. They're pretty much ready and all you need to do is just edit them to your desired theme.
I strongly recommend using Wordpress. There are many themes designed to showcase artwork. Plus there are plugins to integrate Paypal. On top of that, you can still tweak it when you want to. Most important of all, Wordpress is free.
There are plenty of free CSS templates out there. The problem is, it does not look good for an aspiring artist to be using a template he/she did not design him/herself.
No one mentioned that the artist is a designer, let a lone a web-designer, so I don't see a problem with that person using a pre-made CSS.