Do you fill out the surveys on your register receipts? I almost always complete the surveys, because I've noticed that when I give specific comments, often, those changes are enacted. For instance, if I mention that I tried to buy a certain product, but that it was out of stock, or that a certain flavor or variation isn't carried by that store, the next time I go, there it is. This is primarily at Kroger, which for years has been very responsive to special stock requests. Years ago, I would split my time between San Antonio and here, and I had kittens at the time. I was able to buy a specific kitten food at Kroger in San Antonio, but not here at my local Kroger. So, I requested (at the Customer Service Booth) that they stock it, and they did. Now, I can simply write it on the survey, and the item magically appears in my local store. It helps to specify that because that specific product is unavailable at a particular location, you are forced to shop elsewhere for that item, which means you will be conducting all of your grocery shopping there. That's not an idle threat for me. If I have to waste gas driving to another city to buy one specific item, I will definitely be doing all of my shopping there. So, I appreciate their efforts to keep me satisfied.