Remember When You Could Pay Just-once And Be Done (without Owing Fees)?

Discussion in Misc & Others started by mythman • Nov 30, 2015.

  1. mythman

    mythmanActive Member

    Mar 21, 2014
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    , with tricks to

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    when using airlines, the airlines to avoid in order to skip paying for carry-on baggage, how to

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    , to check your personal-car insurance to make sure you're covered for rental-car collision (I don't know---sounds like stuff 'the grown-ups' take care of for me :p),

    to find a credit-card that (if you're going to leave an unpaid-balance)

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    (if you'd rather not just ask for one from your current credit-card company---calling them and telling them you've got other companies offering you lower rates),

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    , to link your savings-account to your checking-account (in order to save---paying the reasonable transfer-fee rather than the about-5000% overdraft-fee),


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    , to

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    , and tips on evading the Internet-fees some hotels charge.

    Any other fees you (would like to) know how to avoid?