For all those people who are tech savvy and technology enthusiasts, facebook has a rewards program where you can report bugs and security loopholes and get rewarded from Facebook. You will also earn an honorable mention on the Facebook contributors board. The program is called "Bug Bounty Program" and you can get all the details here: Log In So, showcase your skills and get rewarded. Good luck.
This is a nice way to get some extra cash I assume, or what is the reward that one receives? Now the ones who know about technology get a chance to ahow what they know plus get rewarded. Thank you for the information I will let my tech savvy friends know about this opportunity.
@kamai The reward amount depends on the severity of the big reported. I have seen people getting paid $15000 for reporting major security concerns. Also, if they like your approach, you will be called for an interview to work with Facebook. So, yes it is a good platform to showcase your monitoring skills.
This reward is much more than I actually expected. I was actually thinking they would only be rewarded a few bucks per reported bug. Thank you again for the information and hope my friends could make it big in this business since they love technology so much.
I was unaware that you were able to get rewarded for something like that. I am not sure that it ill do anything to change my attitude towards Facebook in general, but I guess it is a good sign.
This is a good on the part of the Facebook management. In fact, FB has hired several groups of technical assistant to take charge of these things. They want to save money for this matter. Nowadays, there is nothing that is free as far as technology is concerned. Since it is too costly to maintain such, FB has resulted to this promo or incentive for only a recognition. Anyway, that is nice but it doesn't really appeal to the tech savvy or whatever. This is only my opinion. There is no malice on this.
I was not aware of such a good offer. Of course it goes without saying that you need skills to try it out. Since our country is swarming with software specialists I think it is a lovely opportunity to earn a handsome amount and a permanent job as well. Thanks for sharing.
@Kaushik Angara Wow, I must say, I am impressed! This is definitely a first time for me. I don't believe that Facebook has even done something like this before. I didn't think that they ever would either, being who they are. Yet life can always take an unexpected turn for the better.
Unfortunately this is not easily at all and finding bugs on Facebook is extremely difficult. However if you are tech savy and good with coding and stuff like that to find these bugs you will be rewarded with a very nice sum of money. I think I saw someone that got around $2,000
That is nice to know that you would be rewarded should you find something that they are looking for. I am not sure this would ever happen to me given my tech skills but still nice knowing it is there.
A very good opportunity for folks who are tech savvy to make some money. Looking at Facebook critically I am sure there are going to many areas of loopholes and security concerns. If I were a tech guru would have probably exploited this opportunity to make some cool dollars from Facebook. One thing how much are the pay for service.
Even though it might seem easy or you might think you'll be able to make a decent amount of money through this, you have to take into consideration that a lot of people are trying this and many of them are tech specialists which is hard to compete with.
Yes, this may be a good avenue through which someone could earn a bit of cash. However, I would think that the competition in regards to this activity would be very intense and would require someone to be highly technically inclined to be able to enjoy any success at it.This opportunity would probably not be up my street because I don't believe that I have attained that technical level to be able to be competitive.
It seems like it will take a lot of work to be able to make any decent monies. Yet I still think it is a really good idea from Facebook. I am not PC savvy myself and rely on my friend to help me whenever something happens with my PC. I will tell him about this deal though and I think that he might look into it. So thanks for the info.
Sounds like a cool idea to make some extra cash. It will be very helpful for technological geeks and gurus. I was once like that exploring nook and corners of a social media site but lost touch now. I'll see what I can do. Thanks for sharing.
Wow, that is really awesome. Hard to do, I mean is really hard to find a bug there since Facebook security is very high. But maybe on the other sites like Oculus or Watsup, it can find some bugs. Is a good way to earn some extra money, for those who know how to check the security of these sites.