Some homes just leave their devices running even at night when they are not in use. There were several cases of fire started by the water dispenser which overheated over the night (these are the type with the cooler and heater). So why not turn it off before you sleep? That would make your home safer and you save on electricity as well. Another device to look at is the digibox of the cable tv. Even when not in use, if the pilot light is on then that means it is consuming some electricity. And how about your wifi router? When you sleep, let the router sleep too so you give it rest and save on electricity. What are the other appliances that you leave running when not in use?
I always live by the statement: a penny saved is a penny earned. Electricity bill is one of the major expenses in every households. We use electricity everywhere, to cook food, watch TV, use internet. Since electricity is used 24/7, we ned to be very careful about not over using it. I always make sure that my electrical and electronic devices are turned off when they are not in use. When on one is in the room, I make sure to switch off AC, TV, lights and computer. I also use power efficient products to save electricity bills.
We turn off everything that we are not using, and do not use the air-conditioning unless we need it. We usually turn on the small AC unit in the front room during the day when it is hot, and then at night, we turn that one off and turn on the other small one in the bedroom. Rooms that we are not using, we shut the doors. We never bother turning off the cable or router though, and of course, we do not turn off the computer since starting them up is what kills them and it would be expensive if we had to replace the computer just because we shut it off at night. So, for us, it is mostly just the tings that actually use much electricity that we turn off, I guess.
The only appliance I leave plugged in all the time is my wi-fi router becasue I am up later (usually 3-4 am) and using wi-fi and I get up about 8-9 am to start work and I use it all day, my land line is plugged in, and freezer/fridge. Everything else I unplug until needed, I hate leaving sutff plugged it, I use power strips for easy unplugging before I leave the house. I also keep all the lights off during the day and open the blinds. I usually only have my computer on during the day and if I want to watch tv I just do it off of it. When I turn the ac on I usually only leave it on for 3 - 4 hours (its on a timer).
One thing I have been trying to do is to use major appliances like the dishwasher, washer and dryer and so forth after 8pm. You save a lot of money by doing that, as opposed to using them when electricity rates are at their highest. It takes some getting used to, but I have seen money reflected in my bill by employing this strategy. A penny saved is a penny earned.
Seems like an obvious tip, but many people don't realize how much power unused devices with a light displayed when off. Therefore, I even suggest to unplug them from the wall outlet .
I agree that this would be an effective means of saving on electricity costs. However, I realise that many people resist turning off appliances which they are able to do so when they are not in use. Some persons insist that it does not make a difference. I know that each appliance that is not in use means that there is less electricity consumption and every bit of reduction will certainly add up.
I think there are many things we can do in this area which we usually forget. I have seen many people not switching off fans even when there is nobody in the room. Same is the case with Television, it keeps on running in the living room just to create some sounds. It's a national waste indeed. WiFi routers can be power hungry especially if you are in an area with very limited coverage. So we must ensure that it is switched off when not in use. Also while recharging mobile phones, once it is done just remove the plug and keep it safe. Also using mobiles while charging is not recommended, especially using power hungry applications like gaming. It also adversely affects the battery memory which is required to show the correct percentage of power left in the battery. So the ground rule is save electricity whenever and wherever possible. This has to be taken as a common goal of all family members. If somebody forgets to switch off an appliance when not in use, other members can ensure that and inform him about that.
I don't leave anything running when not in use. Aside from the fridge LOL. Well, electricity is one of our main necessity and it doesn't come cheap so might as well we learn how to save it. In our place, electricity costs a lot, not that much though but in order for us to save a lot of money, we should also save a lot of energy. So whenever there are appliances that aren't in use, we turn it off. Not only turn it off but we unplug it as well. I believe that even though the device or the appliance is off, as long as it is plugged, it still consumes electricity. That's why it's important for us to unplug a device that aren't in use, that way we can save a lot of electricity
Most of the losses of energy result from people forgetting to switch off their electrical appliances when they are not in use and this mostly occurs during the night. To this end, it might be good to pay for an app which would automate the switch off mechanism to generate savings in the medium and long term.
I always turn off the electric appliances when they are not in use. I switch off light, air conditioner, heater, or fan when I am going out.I also use energy efficient appliances. The only electrical appliance that is running 24 hours is a fridge and during winter, normally I don't use it.
Our State is also going to experience acute shortage of electricity in coming days due to low rain fall which is the major source electricity in our State. During summer season electricity consumption goes up drastically due to use of fans and air conditioners. In fact Government has to put a control on the sale of ACs which eats away a major part of electricity. Even when we can adjust with a fan some people are habitual in using ACs as a part of their luxury life style. They are ready to pay for the huge electricity bill, but it is a national waste.
We are trying to save as much electricity as possible since the bill this time of year can get too expensive. I try to keep almost all things off and unplugged most of the time with the exception of the fridge of course. Since it's so hot almost year round here we have found it necessary to keep the fans on almost all day unless we are out other than that everything gets unplugged by the end of the day.
I make sure to double check on all the electric devices in my home when I go out for when I'm travelling. I switch off my WiFi router at night when I go to bed. I also make sure not to use multiple high-power devices at the same time(ex-using refrigerator and geyser at the same time). At work, I make sure to turn off the AC when I leave my cabin to minimise power consumption. Some of the devices such as the refrigerator need to be switched on 24/7 as they are used to store perishable products. But yes, we can surely control the usage of the other electric and electronic devices.
I agree that to minimize spending on electric bills we should imbibe the culture of putting off electrical appliances we aren't using at the time being. This is very important in cases of appliances that consume higher current. I will admit I have not been turning off my water heater, many times I forget to do this and sometimes I just feel it's not necessary as I'd always need warm water for my shower especially in the winters.
Interesting thing you said about the tech at where I have my internet connection said leave it on for they update always and it take little electricity. Which is better?
We too have unplugged and turn off anything we are not using except refrigerator. Saving money is a good idea and so is safety at home. Aside of saving money we who turn off and unplug save energy for the future too being a bit greener. We all are doing our duty to help ourselves and save for the future!
I really could turn off more things. Appliances even small ones should be unplugged when not in use. I mean these may seem like small things, but small things can mount up over time leaving you with more money in your pocket and less in the utility companies coffers!
I used to leave my security lights on for a whole night until I found that they consumed more power than I did during the day. Nowadays I even don't leave my phone charging, I switch off all my appliances and even plug off some of them. My monthly bills for electricity are not as high as they used to be.
I turn off appliances apart from the fridge and freezer because not only does it save money but it can also prevent fires. I heard of a person who always left their tv on at night and it caught fire due to an electrical fault. This has always stuck in my mind so I like t turn everything possible off. My granddaughter is a shocker for switching lights on and leaving them on even when she is not in a room. I wonder if she will ever learn to switch them off .. probably not until she is paying her own bills!