If you happen to be running any sort of online business, and were looking for cheap or free alternatives to Photoshop since it's so expensive, I always like to remind people that Adobe offers very steep discounts to students and teachers for it's products. So if you happen to be a student yourself, or know someone who is, it's very likely their student book store is selling copies of Photoshop and other Adobe applications at dirt cheap prices. You just need to show them your student ID, and it's typically only one copy per student. Granted, there's a stripped down version, Photoshop Elements, available for around $100. But if you could get a legitimate copy of the full version for around $25 through the student bookstore instead, why not?
This is a great reminder...Adobe has a great suite of tools out there for anyone...be it business, education, or student...so getting such a great discount puts these powerful tools in the hands of those who can truly benefit. Thanks for the post and I will be forwarding this one to my kids' teachers and friends who can benefit.
Well, you can always get a 100% discount if you use GIMP. For most users, GIMP is more than sufficient to get their work done. Why pay for the cow when you can get the milk free?
Hey that's a really good deal. I attend university so I do have an ID and school email address. I've seen these type of promotions before (for Microsoft Word for example) but I've never seen one for photoshop! It's always been like $600. I can't believe they will sell them so much cheaper to student. I guess that just tells you how much they are making!
Are you sure? I've been seeing these Student and Teacher deal discounts for years on all of their products. Heck, I've seen some industry standard programs like Maya given out to students for FREE because, well, they're students!