Have friends who like to read books? A book club could save you money. If for example all members of the club are fantasy fans, then you guys could make a list, and each of you could buy a different book. After you complete reading yours, you swap the book for a different one. After you've read all of them, resell the books on E-bay or any other place you please.
I do this with my friends although we don't really treat It like anything official and we don't consider it a club. We are just already good friends to begin with and it just so happens we trade books when we are done with them. I do the same with them for games as well since we all play on the same console pretty much. I think this is a great way to save money because you get to read a lot of new things and get recommendations from people who think the same way as you do.
This is really a good idea! I have not joined any book club before, and I have not heard of any too, but as you said it is good if we can create our own book club and we can swap the books for reading. I think this does not only help us to save money in buying books, it saves us space to keep the books too. Moreover, isn't it fun to talk about the books with others?