I don't know if it's the same for other countries, but here we have an internet plan that is great for making some savings. The plan basically is that I have a certain amount of hours free for a fixed amount, and if I go past that I just pay a little extra, and if I went even further my total expense would have a cap of how much I would pay for unlimited data. For example, I'd have ten hours free for $10 a month but if I exceeded that I'd maybe pay around $15 and if I used it a lot that month I'd only be paying the cap amount of $20. This is a great way for me to save on internet bills since I don't always use up the unlimited amount if be allowed every month if I had opted for the regular unlimited package. Do you guys have any similar plans available to you in your area? What special types of plans do you subscribe to for better savings on your internet bill?
Wow that is insanely good. In my area all we have is the dreaded Comcast, which tends to lack in it's customer service area as well as it's quite a generic provider. We pay more than we should for internet that is mediocre at best, but it gets the job done I suppose. I would love to see more places open up a window for users such as you have, I'm sure people would jump at the chance to have an hourly plan on their internet especially if they're not home often.
Unfortunately, there isn't much flexibility available with internet plans where I live. You get your standard contract for a year, and that's that. You might get slightly different deals with the various companies, but at the end of the day they are very similar. I suppose I should mention that I live in a third world country.