I have a lot of old photos that have just been being stored away, and I would like to scan some of them and be able to use them when I want to post a picture online. I have been looking at some of the scanning apps available, and from the information, it seems like they all work about the same way. What I am wondering, is whether anyone else has had a good experience (or even a bad one) with any of the scanning apps ? I would like to have some good input before I get one. Even the. Paid apps are fairly inexpensive; but I don't know if they actually do more than the free ones do or not.
I read through the information about the different apps that are available. Most of them cost to purchase the app, plus some of them also wanted an annual subscription fee for you to be able to scan as many pictures as you want to scan. I ended up getting one called "Heirloom", and not only was it free; there is nothing extra to purchase, and I am easily able to scan in the pictures using my iPhone. I have enjoyed spending the last couple of days scanning in some of the old photos, and putting labels on them once they are uploaded into an online album. I use Flickr for doing that, and it works perfectly together. Flickr automatically uploads any pictures that I scan in to my ipad, and then all I have to do is go online and put them into the proper picture albums.
I have come across in the web the best five mobile scanner could be used by anyone who has a smartphone. They are designed to the phone which they could be compatible. One is Google Drive like Android/iOS. It can be downloaded from Google Store via your phone. Two is CamScanner. It is free. It could be used for phone run by Android, iOS and Windows Phone. Three is Genius Scan.It is from Grizzly Labs. It is simple to operate. Four is Scannable by Evernote (iOS). It is intended for iPhone. And five is FineScanner. It could convert iPhone or iPad into a good document scanning tool. I have searched for I am also interested to make one of them. I am always carrying with me some documents or want to recopy an old pictures for storage or for reprinting them for personal use.
I am not really sure I have yet to understand the purpose here Is it for finding phones to connect with or to use? I guess maybe the technology itself is more important here than the actual usage.
Good that you have found a product that you like. I have previously searched for a scanning app too. Finally, I have tried out the scanning app came with Google Drive and also CamScanner. I also heard that the Evernote Scannable is good, perhaps you can try it out. After scanning for a short while, I gave up the scanning apps. I decided just to use the camera to capture those old photos and documents and store directly in Google Photos which I do not need to transfer the files manually.
Instead of scanning apps, I use my phone camera. I take pictures of old photos through my phone camera. I avoid using flash and always take photos in natural light. I use photoshop to edit the pictures. I have archived most of my old photos through this technique.