I've started to clean out my storage and I was surprised to see lots of things I've had there for a decade or more. I'm looking up some prices for these items I've found and they aren't worth much, so I'm thinking of keeping them instead of selling. The problem is that they are just clutter and I don't think they will raise in value even after many decades, so I'm torn whether I should just sell them now and be done with it or just keep them since I would be going to a lot of trouble just to make less than $40 in total more or less. The items I speak of are old less popular brands watches and discmans, that sort of thing. What do you guys think? Should I sell them or just keep them around for my own nostalgia and possible future sale for a higher price?
Unless you intend to leave the old watches to great grandchildren who might centuries from now sell them to anyone interested then I don't think you will make a lot of money. It's better IMO, to donate what you have. Maybe they'll know how to sell the stuff and use the money to do some good. Take a look at the site linked to below, you might find it useful. Log In "We are working with Recycling For Good Causes to offer you a simple way to help raise money for The Aspinall Foundation animal protection projects . . ."
I always find having a big garage sale (or tag, yard sale depending on where you are from) helps to make a little bit extra and helps get rid of junk. You see people come all excited about some item and you realize that one mans junk is another mans treasure. At the end of the sale, because there is always way too much left and by this time you do not feel like putting it back in your home, I take it to a Goodwill. One time though, we lived in an apartment and were moving out of country and a man from a pawn shop came and just gave me cash for everything. He had a truck and picked it all up himself. That was totally worth it, I didn't have to spend hours tagging stuff.
I'd take it to goodwill, if you don't think you're going to have much sentimental value to you later on down the line. It goes to a good cause and you'll actually make more than you likely would at a garage sale with the tax write-offs that you get. And you don't have to deal with the hassle of taking out adds and spending your whole day at a garage sale. That's what I always do for some of my older things that really are not worth that much monetarily. Gets rid of the old stuff, takes care of it quickly and you do some good for others all in one swoop!
Even if your items are not worth much of anything, someone might be willing to purchase them for a good price on eBay. It is worth a shot since I think your first few listings are free anyway. You can post them and let the customer decide if they want to purchase them for just a few dollars. The worst that will happen is that your items will not sell, and then you could just donate them. I have sold a few old clothes on eBay for a couple of dollars each before and was shocked that they did sell. They were new and all, just not designer labels so I averaged about $4 each on them.
I noticed that some no brand clothes get to be sold at more than the original price that they were expected to be sold, because 2 people tried to outbid each other. So your best bet to earn more is to sell them auction style.
I have tons of things that are just laying around, and the thought of having a garage sale is somewhat appealing, but like you, I don't think I would make much for the trouble of running a garage sale either, plus I don't like to draw traffic to my home
I am not a fan of garage sales because they do attract people to your home, and it is usually an all day event, or weekend event for that matter. At least if you tried to sell your things on an auction platform, you are marketing to the whole world and not just your local community. With an auction, all you have to do is list the item and see if it sells after a week. The only time investment you will have is the time it takes you to list the items, and the time it takes to ship them if they do sell.
It's up to you. What do you think is more important - earning extra money or keeping old memories? Folks have different sets of values so what may be important to others may seem unimportant to you. If you have trouble deciding, just pick out something that you cherish the most and keep it with you as a sort of heirloom for future generations. Sell the rest of your old stuff and use the money for your needs.