Do you have any experience in selling your used computers for cash? If you do, how much did you get for it in relative to its wear and tear and relative to its purchase price? I know various stories where people have successfully sold their computers that they have been using for 4 years for half of the price they bought it as long as it was still functional. However, I found that story too good too be true. What do you think. Do you think it can happen as well?
Why wouldn't it happen? There's market for a lot of things. I would recommend disassembling the PC and selling the parts, though, as you would probably get more money out of that.
Its also easier to sell parts like video card and ram instead of selling it as a whole. Unless you want to sell it to the junk shop, some people just want to add new hardware to their existing desktop. Just like me, when my computer seem can't work with the new online game, i tend to buy new graphic card and RAM modules so I can play the game. I need not to buy a new computer too.
I agree with etc. I think unless you sell the while set for really cheap or unless you find an average consumer who is looking for exactly what you have then it may take some time to sell the whole cup, whereas if you sell them by parts then you'd probably have an easier time since there are always people who are looking for cheap parts. The best way to sell it whole is to really cut down the price because technology evolves so quickly that by the time you sell your computer there are already many new ones at a lower price.
OK, here's how I see it. If your goal is buying a new computer for yourself, you shouldn't wait until you've sold the old computer to acquire the new one. It can take a fair amount of time, and in the interim to a successful sale, you'll be stuck. A worse scenario for this case is selling the computer in parts, due to the fact when you start removing the first part (say RAM) your old computer won't operate at all, so you'll be left with nothing until the whole selling operation is complete. A wiser alternative is paying for your new computer upfront, then selling the old computer (or its parts) in a more calmed way, as a way to recoup some of the investment. This way nothing happens while you are in the process of selling it, since you already have your new equipment with you.
I'd recommend selling parts as well. Not only you can get more cash per total, but they will sell out a lot quicker too. Selling the whole pc has the benefit of receiving full cash in one transaction. But if you do not plan to buy a new pc tomorrow, then try and sell parts. RAM and Video Card will go out in a instant and you have to make sure you sell your other parts as well. Try combining the parts in a bundle to sell them faster too. PSU+Motherboard, etc.
I did sell a lot of my old computers back then. I went through 2 computers, a PC and a laptop. When I got tired of my old PC not performing well enough for work I decided to purchase a new one. I sold that PC which was a Pentium III by the way, it was kind of old but a friend of mine bought from me for like $200 including the monitor. But selling an old machine is kind of hard these days. Not unless you're machine is rare or something that collectors might want. You would be better off selling parts though just don't go hiking up the price.
Selling a second hand PC isn't that hard as long as it isn't an old generation machine. That's where Craiglist comes in handy. If you are serious about selling your computer, all you need to do is place an ad on the site every day until you get a buyer. It can take long though. As for the price . . . well there's no telling how much you'd make from the sale. Lots of factors would need to be taken into consideration.
This is where craiglist comes in handy. It's a good website and most likely will help you get some quick parts on the market. PC parts go very fast, especially if they are not very outdated. Many people are looking for upgrades for their pc and will grab that HDD or RAM in a second.
Computers are so inexpensive these days, it's going to be hard to get a good amount of money for a used one. I wouldn't even expect to get half of what you paid for it in the first place, especially if it's a few years old already. Why on earth would someone pay $400 for what was originally an $800 computer three years ago? Not only is the computer worn down and used, you could get something brand new with a full warranty for $400 or perhaps even less, with the exact same specs if not better. It's a bitter pill to swallow that your computers will now lose value at a very fast pace, but that's the reality. It's not like 10-15 years ago when computers cost like $3000 and you could sell your used one for like $1000 a few years later.
Certain machines hold their value better than others. For instance, a Macbook might sell for hundreds of dollars, even if it's years old. Most laptops are going to sell for a fraction of what you paid, though, because the value depreciates so quickly. That can be chalked up to the fast pace of computer-related advancements. Nothing is advanced for more than a few weeks before something better comes out.
I have an old desktop that I would like to sell for parts, it still works just slow and old, you see them in the thrift stores by the ton. I'm not sure I have the tecnical ability to take it apart and label the parts to be able to sell them.