If you had the time to search the net for free stuff, there is a high likelihood that you could find something you could use and not spend a penny on it. This is why some people actually set aside an hour or two each week to find and sign up for some offers to get free samples of products and the like. It's something everyone should be doing because free samples of products you regularly use can save you a lot of money if you keep getting them throughout the year.
I do think this is a goo idea, and I tend to do this in the evening when I wind down because it's fun and you can do as much or as little as you like. Equally, I do set time aside to unsubscribe from companies that send excessive emails. I have one that sends the same offer under a different guise each day and it's very annoying, but the odd time they send a good one.
I used to sign up with a small handful of those types of those sites, but I too found that they would then bombard me with spam emails every single day. What's annoying is that the majority of these emails do tend to be a ploy to get you to buy stuff you don't need, not necessarily offers of freebies. I've not really got a use for them now that I live in Botswana, and have actually started to slowly unsubscribe from many of them.
I agree, although those coupons and free samples are only popular in the US. They don't really ship to other countries. Over here, free samples are not popular at all, maybe because I live in a 3rd word country.
I find most of those freebie sites not worth my time quite frankly, and you never know which samples will come and when. I think a better thing is to sign up with Bzz Agent or some kind of site like that to promote products. You may get something much better than a free sample out of it. I have spending time entering contests and sweepstakes though..as some have multiple prices, and some people actually make their living doing this.
Well I agree with @Ke Gordon in that a lot of them are not really worth the time and effort, but I think that just makes to case to do your homework a little bit beforehand. I say that because for the sites that are worth the time and effort, those ones are very helpful in saving money and they should be utilized. I am curious about this Buzz Agent thing though, so I might have to look into that. Thanks for sharing.
I usually am setting aside the time during the heat of the day to do this kind of task. Early mornings, when it is cooler, is when I do outside chores, like taking care of the garden. Then, we go to the fitnes center every other day, and when we geet home from there, jut relaxing and doing something easy online seems to be about right for me. Later, we are back outside again to swim and sunbathe in the little backyard pool, and then usually some dinner. After that, it is relaxing time again, and looking for products to try and write a review for on Amazon, or catching up on writing the reviews for products we are already trying. I think that having a specific time set aside to do this is a great idea, @Denis Hard ! !
I spend a few minutes each morning and night signing up for free samples and checking out my inbox for offers. I can spend hours searching, but I find that just spending a few minutes when I wake up and before going to bed keeps a steady stream of freebies coming to my mailbox.
I spend time unscribing from emails that send too many. Sometimes I will sign up just to get something. I have tried to get a few free samples but they ask too many questions.
I get frequent notification involving free stuff being offered to me. However, whenever I would try to obtain the item,I am notified that my location does not qualify me for the offer. I have a US address that the item could have been shipped to but I guess the system uses my IP address to assess if I would be qualified.
I do this because I like to make the most of what I can get for free. I don't see the point in paying for something, or paying full price, if there are free samples or even full size products to be had. I also do product trials and can often get more for free that way as well. I like getting to use products that didn't cost me a penny that's for sure! I also like to make use of the coupons and voucher codes you can get this way.
It's not really free then, is it? You are actually using your personal information as a form of currency to purchase their products. That's fine if that's what someone wants to do, but like you, I don't always consider it a fair trade. It really depends of the company, for me. I would suggest setting up a separate email address if you sign up for these kinds of offers. You will need one for all the spam that you are soon to start receiving. I do that for most types of registrations, but I would definitely do it when it comes to sample sites and coupon sites and other offers.
I do this but not online because coupons online for my area are almost non-existent. What I do is I always subscribe to store news letters or e-mail subscriptions. They always have coupons and good deals to offer through e-mail. Companies also have these kinds of offers not only in major stores but also in restaurants. If they give you a card to sign and to enter your e-mail, they don't just throw your information away. They enter it and reward you for your feedback. Sometimes the rewards are free food.
This is a good idea, I haven't thought about this before now. In fact I never imagined there could be free stuffs online. On deeper thought I can see that this could be possible. But the next issue would be transportation, that's getting them across to persons leaving in another country.