This should be of interest to some shoppers because it could save them a little bit of money. - Don't shop when you are bored because you'll spend money you didn't plan to. - If shopping online, don't buy anything when you are feeling sleepy. The desire to get it done quickly might prove to be rather costly and even if it isn't odds are you'll miss out on some great deals. - Don't buy anything which you think you might use at a later date. If you are overweight for example, don't buy clothes which you'll wear when you shed some pounds. - Don't buy anything which will be cheaper online [once you factor in shipping fees]. Why pay more for anything when there's no need for it [paying more]? - Never buy something you can't afford. If it's too expensive let it be. Buy a cheaper alternative. - Don't buy gifts if you can't. Make home-made gifts.
I personally think the old fashioned idea of baking as gifts is still very practical, economical, and personal. The other day someone gave me a hug jar of homemade jam and I thought it was not only touching but timely as it was the end of the month and we were running low on food supplies. My Grandmother, every year for the holidays would make a large assortment of cookies and box them up in beautiful wrapping and give to neighbors, public servants, and family. Since many people entertain during this time of the year it is also a nice way to help others be hospitable despite budget restraints.
Great advice to share, especially now as we approach the holidays! Here are a couple of other pieces of shopping advice that are along the same line. Do:Set a budget and stick to it. For example, set a limit that you will spend on holiday gifts, and don't go over it.Stick to the list! Whether it is a grocery list or holiday shopping list, only purchase items on your list! Each item that you purchase off of the list is more money out of pocket.
Thanks for the tip. I usually shop when I need something for our home. I sometimes window shop for things I'd like to get, but for right now can't afford to get it. I like to get the best and would wait for a sale on it if the sale price is good enough and affordable. Everything is affordability with me these days. I am an impulse buyer too, so if the price is right and I need it, but not on my list I will tend to buy it so your tips will come in handy.
I did buy clothes that do not fit me well, because I thought I can wear them when I eventually lost weight. Wrong, lol so those clothes are still stuck in my closet. Some clothes I bought online so I thought they would fit me, so I wasted my money as well. So no more buying of ill-fitting clothes for me.
The t about being sleepy is the one I follow most rigidly. I have always found myself in the middle of the night debating whether or not I should get an item and knowing I'd have to decide then and there or risk losing out on the promo that will end by the time I wake up I know I don't have the luxury to sleep on the decision, and usually I just choose to pass up the promo unless it really is noticeably good because I think most of the time the promo is just average and I just build it up in my own head for some reason and most of the time by the time I wake up I don't feel regret because I haven't lost money at all.
When I am bored, I don't have the appetite to shop. Even when we are in the mall to watch a movie, and after the movie I can do some shopping, I don't do it when I am bored. For buying things for later use, that's my habit - I buy things to stock up my supply for later use like handkerchief or socks, not to mention food items. I try to refrain from buying online for the moment after that problem of tax payment with Mizzue.