Sometimes, it's difficult to find the opportune to shop without the kids. So, how do you buy gifts for them when they are with you all the time? Do you sneak stuff past them? Hide it under other stuff and hope they don't see it at the checkout? One option is to order gifts online. Compare prices and watch for deals on shipping. Many stores offer free shipping if you spend a certain amount, so make all of your purchases at once to make sure you qualify. You can have toys and other items brought right to your door, usually in a plain brown wrapper, and the kids don't have to be the wiser. Another way to save on shipping costs is by having the items shipped to the store for (free) pick up. This works well if you have stores like Toys R Us or other kids' stores that you like to shop with, nearby. You can order all the stuff you want, you can even pay for it online (or over the phone as the case may be), and just pick it all up when the kids aren't with you. You can even send someone else to do the pick up if need be, since everything is picked out and paid for. You can take advantage of those sales even if you don't have a babysitter!
Buying gifts for kids without them seeing them has a cost imperative. Some kids select the gifts you have bought right at the cashier's and its a no brainer to insist that they are fine for them. They might even start crying and demanding for more expensive ones which you had avoided and even if you buy these, the element of surprise would be removed. I would opt to buy gifts for kids in advance when they are in school and unwrap them at the opportune moment.
One option is to order online and not open the delivered boxes until they fall asleep. If we were to go shopping with them a good idea would be to take someone else with you. This way you can shop while the other person distracts them some where else. I think that's what my parents used to do as I remember going with both of them but only one of them would stay with me.
I think the easiest strategy is to just buy them when they're in school. You got a full 7 to 9 hours everday to shop on weekdays, so that's more than enough time to window shop as well to look for good bargains on toys.