While it's not advisable to go shopping when you won't have time to compare the prices of items you intend to buy there's one way you can avoid spending more money you usually would. If you are in a hurry but must grab something from a store then head straight to the store you regularly shop at. You'll know exactly where anything you need is and would [because of that] avoid grabbing anything you see first in a store you are not familiar with no matter how expensive it is.
So true! There are three things to avoid when going on shopping time to avoid being expending more than the budget assigned for it, or buying useless or unnecessarily things. You have pointed us at one of them, and the other two are refraining from shopping when you feel hungry, because hunger makes you feel cravings for almost anything. And avoid doing shopping after a hard-working day, or when you are truly tired, because tiresome will not allow you to verify product information, compare prices. and so on.
I don't agree. I always shop in a rush. I think it's all about efficiency. First of all, I refuse to carry around little baskets like an idiot I just put it down somewhere and go get the goods. It's also about knowing your budget. Knowing what you are there to buy. Knowing the estimated price of what you want to buy. If we're talking groceries and stuff you buy routinely, this is what works for me. Not how you should shop for clothes though
I prefer not to, since I like a bit more time to think about my purchases, but I admit that once or twice being in a hurry has saved me a lot of money since I don't end up buying anything unnecessary in the process. The only problem I have with this method is that sometimes I am too much in a rush and end up forgetting buying a few things but I agree that for some it surely is a good method to keep from spending too much.
I don't think most people would rush buying shoes or clothes, so I think this applies more to buying grocery items. It can indeed make a difference, so always shop at the store that you're most familiar to.
I prefer to not shop in a hurry but if I must I always go to the store where I am comfortable with the layout. I know where items are so that I do not have to walk around looking for the items or I go straight to a clerk and ask where to find what I am looking for so I can go right there get it and get out. If the lines are too long when I go in I rethink if I really need the item at times I have picked up what I needed got to the front of the store the lines were still long, I put my item down and left the store.
Shopping in a hurry isn't an issue if you only buy what you're already accustomed to, like things that you buy on the regular and know the exact price. Also, places you're familiar with are great too, since you can get in and grab whatever you want in a few seconds or minutes, depending on the store you're shopping at.
I think that's a good idea. I'm still likely to grab things that I don't necessarily need or shouldn't get right then, but I'm way less likely to go down every single aisle and pick up even more items.
I feel that shopping in a hurry was either invented for me or by me lol. I hate to browse, unless it is unintentional browsing. I never leave my house setting out to just have a look around. I either have a list of items to get in my head or written down. I don't linger.