Skecher Shoes "shape Up"

Discussion in Product Reviews started by hellavu • Jan 31, 2015.

  1. hellavu

    hellavuActive Member

    Dec 29, 2014
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    I remember they were all they hype when they came out. Shoes that could get you fit without that you had to do any extra exercise! Just by walking in them, the posture they give you makes you work out! Incredible!

    Apparently, their success came more from the publicity than the actual benefits they brought. Even worse: Canadian magazine Protégez-vous (Protect Yourself) found out that any benefit was unproven and negligeable. On top of that, many potential problems were kept quiet, such as how it could be bad for people with flat feet, with balance problems or with some muscle problem (in the cases where said muscles were the one upholding balance).

    So Canadian court has made a recourse so that anyone who had purchased those shoes could send their name up to the end of April to Canada's consumer "Programme de règlements" website and get an indemnization if they purchased the shoes in the given period in Canada.

    Looks like if a product seems too good to be true -- it often is. Did anyone try those shoes or similar shape-up shoes?