Oh, don't get me wrong; Facebook provides A LOT of good---at least enough to make-up-for the bad. But we've got to keep the "hate" alive (bringing-up the fact that they no-longer seem to provide the 'thumbs down'-option ) I hate a few things about Facebook. A couple off the top o` my head:Their use of a CDN (tho it's been so long since I CARED, I've forgotten the CDN's name)---that's a 'content delivery network,' which basically keeps all the "big content" (pictures, animations) on separate servers & assembles it on your computer when you call on it ... seemingly ignoring the cardinal Internet-rule of "never constructing a page you do not assemble on YOUR machine before displaying it on someone-else's machine"People's misunderstanding that their own Facebook-statuses are 'private journals.' A (former) Facebook-friend of mine was going through the hormonal roller-coaster of pregnancy & would write updates frequently-enough to usually have one at the top of my 'news-feed' (the usual Facebook "Home," where friends' latest updates are gathered), to which I would respond with Uncular ('Uncle'-ish?) advice to remind her that the world doesn't care what her hormones are telling her. Apparently, women going through such a roller-coaster need people to tell them 'everything will be peachy, hunky-dory Heaven' rather than the reality. Because I "upset" some of her friends. Her boyfriend (a Texan) hollered a message at me, saying basically 'Dude, you need to stay offa mah` girlfriend's page,' to which I replied basically, 'Dude, you'll have to force her to unfriend- & possibly BLOCK-me to do that' (both of those with a lot of emotional, insulting, inappropriate words thrown in to display our cyber-caveman chest-beating). So what do YOU hate about Facebook?
Ads, I remember at one time Facebook became consumed by so many ads it was in the news. Which is usually the case when a site becomes this popular however it became a bit ridiculous in my opinion and thankfully they toned it down. I don't really visit the site like that anymore and I never had any friends on there anyway.
The 'suggested' pages are really annoying. Even if you flag it as many times, it would only be replaced by yet another one that seems to be ralated to the one you just flagged or labeled as 'don't want to see this". And facebook has been known to consume a lot of computer resaources. Still is true to day.
I don't understand why web applications don't seem to be optimized at all and are just allowed to run willy nilly and swallow up your CPU cycles with no regard whatsoever to whatever other programs you may have running. Sometimes I look at the process manager and I see chrome.exe using memory in the 200MB range. It seems outrageous and completely against proper memory management practices programmers are taught. It only seems to make sense that users will have more than just an internet browser running so they need their memory and CPU cycles for other programs. Artists and programmers have to get together to develop more practical solutions for users that allow this beautiful artistic movement in software design and development to continue while still keeping costs of hardware down and applications running smoothly across platforms.
I don't need to know where my friends are "checked-in". Some people use it to tell every single detail of their lives. I don't need to know what time you woke up, what you had for breakfast, or how many times you peed that day. Get over yourselves people! You're lives aren't that interesting. I don't like all the ads. I don't like having to see every one's gabillion pictures of themselves taking selfies in the bathroom. Just stop posting them on Facebook!
I hate Fb because everyone else thinks it's just a big deal. When an employer asked me for my FB profile URL so he could see the kind of posts I made I told him there's info I don't share. And for refusing to comply with his demands, I wasn't hired. I left FB then and haven't been on the site for a long time.
I hate that Facebook has deliberately become complex so that we don't know exactly how it works. I hate that some people have disappeared from my news feed and I don't know why. I hate that some apps can publish on their own. Other than that I am fine haha, mostly because it's free.
It's probably just jealousy on my part but I hate to see people I know bragging about their new designer shoes, perfect children and expensive homes. One woman I went to high school with seems to go out to a different expensive restaurant every night, while I work like a dog and have to clip coupons and buy the cheap cuts of meat. The downside of Facebook is that it makes you feel like everyone is doing better than you. All my high school friends are happily married to their husbands and living in big homes, while I'm trying to support a child alone. I don't envy the marriages so much as the fact that they have help supporting their kids.
I'm not really on Facebook all that much but mainly the feeling that your privacy settings may not be honored. I've heard so many stories of people shooting off at the mouth on Facebook and finding out that what they wrote WASN'T going just to their close inner circle. I don't say anything that would be an issue any way but still. But yes, also the fact that people post all these "life is good" photos which can sometimes make you feel inadequate but at the same time I need to remember that their lives are probably not as fabulous all the time as their making it seem like.
Well I always say that it is boring but more speificially the biggest thing I hate about Facebook is it seems like it has to be a necessity. Everyone uses it and wants you to use it. It can sometimes be required for jobs and I have to use it for the online sites I do for money. It also makes me feel like I'm in the spotlight because of the lack of anonymity and that's one thing that is really not me.
FB is no big deal for me. As a matter of fact, it hardly interests me beyond chatting with friends and family. I don't read my newsfeed, unless someone points something out to me that I should look at. I just can't be bothered with all that information overload. Also, I find it quite funny how some people regard themselves as "Facebook stars" with 2000+ friends.
To be honest, I don't really use Facebook all that much. I like to keep my life private, so I am not one to post a bunch of useless posts about myself. The thing I really hate about Facebook is the invitations for games. That is what pisses me off the most, and I make sure to block the person when they send me too many game requests.
Most of the people I know on there (whom I first met In Real Life) only check Facebook on their phones now.
I had a friend who lived on Facebook. It was annoying because she would tell me about the crude and tasteless videos or posts made on the website. I hate the bickering and cruelty directed at people if there's a disagreement. I feel Facebook can be used to humiliate someone, especially if the person fell out with their friend. I see it as a bully pulpit sometimes and I don't like it. I use Facebook only for marketing purposes such as their PPC or CPM programs.
Doesn't their algorhythm rely on the pages you 'like'? How manyLog In? Or is there a site that actually PRESENTS Facebook's algorhythm?
What I hate the most is the lack of privacy, how people on my friends list can see things I post on open groups in their timeline, or see which closed groups I'm a part of, or see if I comment on a page.
Facebook is built on top of the idea that people should be sharing the information they have about themselves and what they do with the world. It's evident from a lot of features that Facebook puts in its site (in the pages like system, for example), that it's trying to share something you did without your intent. This is a pretty big privacy violation for me because I wasn't even informed of what Facebook was even doing. It was only after a friend told me that I liked a certain page that I figured out what was actually going on. It's true that Facebook is probably the only effective way to connect with your friends online, but they really need to get their privacy acts straight.
Just this morning I was accessing some of my messages on Facebook via the mobile app and guess what, Facebook won't let me. Why? Because Facebook want's me to install their Messenger app regardless of whether I like it or not which is a real a**hole move. I also hate how Facebook is now became a privacy concern for me, but thank God I stopped updating anything about me in Facebook. I also hate how jittery the security is, sometimes I'll encounter Facebook accounts that would share malicious links that would, I don't know, get your Facebook account infected with some sort of virus or something.
This shows that the main thing I hate about Facebook isn't really anything about Facebook; it's people's belief that Facebook is 'their own personal private diary' (& maybe Facebook is condoning & perpetuating that false belief ) Some important things people either forget or just don't know (oh, how the words we use become so misleading sometimes! ):Your 'Personal' computer--logged-on to the Internet--is not private! You should expect people to 'not see your info' about as much as you should expect them to 'look away' when you're running naked through the neighborhood.That goes especially for information that you post to 'Facebook' (or the veritable 'Cloud' that Facebook uses). My mom had a comment on the matter of Facebook-privacy: "If you have something private you don't want anyone to know, DON'T WRITE ABOUT IT ON THE INTERNET!"