Well, I only just recently found out that this was going on with the Youtube and Google Plus connection, because on my actual Youtube account, all of my account activity is hidden. People can't see the videos that I have liked, favorited, or commented on. Then I find out that the Google Plus account that is linked to my youtube account is spilling ALL of that information, and more, anyway. And there's nothing that I can do about it. You are correct. Google Plus is another way to find someone easily, and the fact that they have all of your Youtube activity on display on there makes it even easier for people to gather info on you.
playing Devil's Advocate: maybe it's a little secret---the possibility that some awesome people are so-awesome because they're so self-involved (and we know that one day they'll wake up & see that they're so-awesome & -glorious in order that they may lead their brothers-&-sisters to a higher glory )
I know that's one of the reasons I hate Google. What possible benefit is there to be logged into both Gmail and YouTube? It doesn't have as much to do with privacy for me though. When I watch YouTube videos through the GPT sites they are on my history so it will recommend me stuff I don't care about. It's too much clutter.
I know I shouldn't get so worked up over it, but I hate it when I am having discussions with others on an active thread, and it may be a controversial topic, and then I will see my friend count drop by several as a result. It's usually other people I've friended who perhaps got offended or irritated by my responses, as they were probably showing up in their ticker to the right, and removed me. It's happened right now, as a matter of fact, with this whole Ferguson thing going on. I put up with a lot of shitty posts and comments from friends of mine who are overboard conservative, and some of them are just flat out racist idiots. They're the ones posting stupid comic pictures of Obama as a monkey, or Obama eating watermelons, and now they're having a field day referring to Micheal Brown and all the protesters as "thugs" and "looters" and "savages". But heaven forbid, I'm having discussions with some of my other liberal friends on someone else's wall and my comments happen to show up in their ticker. They can dish out their irrational racist garbage morning noon and night, but they sure as hell can't take it when they see me making comments in support of the protesters, and disagreeing with the trial and Darren Wilson's actions. In this instance I happened to share an article that highlighted a lot of stupid shit that white people riot about (football games, surfing competitions, and even a pumpkin festival in new hampshire recently), and it apparently got their panties in a bunch. Then there are the "goody too shoes" who always try and act like they're the perpetual voice of reason, smug in their self-righteous silence on anything remotely controversial, looking down from the heavens at the rest of us in disdain. When in reality they're just spineless chicken shits who are to scarred to take a stance on anything because they don't want to ruffle anyone's feathers, and/or reveal how uneducated they really are to even carry a conversation about the issue(s) in the first place. I wish Facebook would allow us to engage in conversations more privately instead of leaking it out to all of my friends like that. I hate having to be on pins and needles all the time because there is no way to completely prevent any friend from seeing all of your actions. Even if you have them on the Restricted list I believe they can still see your likes and comments on other people's walls which are set to public.
Yes, they can. If your friend is set to public, your friends will see anything you say to them. I noticed this doesn't ALWAYS happen, it's kind of random.. but because of it, I don't interact with those who have public profiles unless it's something meaningless and I don't care who sees that I liked it or commented lol. It's invasive for sure.. very unfair. With that said.. if anyone wants to drop me because of my political beliefs or anything else for that matter, they can go ahead. I'm not in a place in my life that I would want "friends" like that.. open minded only; the rest can delete me freely.
You can choose which statuses of your own that your friends see, I am sure. But as for someone else's posts - if you have mutual friends - then the owner of the profile that originally posted the status has control over who gets to see that particular post, I think. Facebook recently sent an email about a change of terms and all of that crap. So I am not sure if privacy settings have been altered. When my Facebook account was activated I didn't give a flying crap about who saw my views. If people are petty enough to unfriend you for having an opinion that differs, then good riddance. And if people want to unfriend you because they feel like your point of view on any given situation is too far apart from theirs for you to still be friends, then also... good riddance lol. I like to think of it as weeding out the weak hahaha.
There was an article I read a while back where the author liked every single thing that was on his news feed. His friends immediately messaged him, telling him that the only thing popping out on their news feed is just whatever he like. I think it's ridiculous how Facebook uses this information. Honestly, the only reason why I'm using it is because I know all my friends are using it, so it's useful to create events and invite people.
There is no reasons to hate facebook if you use it properly. I mean, personally, I used facebook to get to know updates from my relatives, connect to people that I used to work with or old classmates and friends (you need to organize your contacts though), I also put my subscription to online news and other blogs on my facebook so I only have to see one site in order to see all these things. If you maintain a facebook and share all your private issues to public, i mean.. you post matters relating to your love life, about domestic issues, etc.. then IT IS NOT WHAT FACEBOOK is intended for.. do not hate facebook when it affects your life.. YOU HAVE CONTROL on how your facebook profile will look like.. to be careful on what you view, what you post, what you share in general and what you say (when you give out comments). Thank you will be ok.
I do agree that Facebook is certainly what you make it. But I disagree with there being certain things that you should and should not be posting. The shoulds and shouldn'ts are relative to the person who owns the profile, in my opinion. I have used facebook before to post person things in order to gain empowerment from having that particular issue out there, for all eyes to see, instead of hiding it and letting it fester. Even if nobody cares or says anything, then that is fine. Just knowing that people saw the status is what counts. There are so many different possible perspectives that there are no shoulds or shouldn'ts in my eyes.
That's kind-of exactly what owesem75 said! If you feel you SHOULD aire your dirty-laundry (as I sometimes do), then you can; but if you want to keep something private, keep it private!
The clue is in your response, in that it is KIND OF exactly, what he said. Not exactly. Nobody can say what I want to say like I can say it, and if someone on a forum says something that I agree/disagree with, and I can elaborate on it in my own way? Then I am going to lol. Just putting my own spin on it though - the reasons why I, personally, used to air dirty laundry or very personal things about myself. Too many folk on Facebook are so nauseatingly cautious about what they post, and yes, that is their prerogative. I respect it. But then they should also respect how others - who are perhaps braver, or more stupid - do things.
This is going on a lot now because of the advancement in technology. Employers don't want their employees to linked any bad publicity to the company something called "Code of Conduct." But even that's after the person has been hired. Did you follow up on this with someone about the company's hiring practices? You are probably not the first this has happened to.
Nauseatingly? That would be me lol. I wish I could say the same about my friends list though.. not one of them is nauseatingly cautious. I know more about them than I do my own family I think lol. I don't get grumpy like everyone else seems to though.. there's always a reason we do or don't do something and it's getting tired, how snarky everyone is about the things others do that has nothing to do with them. If someone wouldn't post their life story online, but their friend would.. how does that make them suck exactly? The cranky ones likely have plenty going on off screen that I wouldn't do either, but you don't see me labelling them to feel better about myself. *hides cranky labels*
By nauseatingly cautious, I'm not talking about taking safety measures. I glean that that is what you are referring to? I am talking about those who have this fixed image that they need to put out of themselves, and it almost seems like they are not real people? You could feel that they were posting things so that they would come across a certain way, often omitting other things in order to maintain this overly false image. I mean that is up to them, but when my facebook was activated I would post just as much positive things about my as life as the negative. I'm a person, and I needed to express the fullness of that. I don't have anyone on my Facebook that I wouldn't tell personal things to. But I know that others do. I have friends who will accept ANY friend request just to get their friend count up lol, just so that they can perpetuate the image of someone who is very popular, when in reality they are terribly lonely and that is why they feel the need to make it seem like they are not. It is important to them - they need to paint this picture of someone who they are not. Again, their prerogative. But it its a gross security risk if you as me. They wouldn't even talk to these people after the initial, 'hi, thanks for the friend request/thanks for accepting.' So for all they knew, these people wee not who they said they were.
Ah, gotcha. For me, no it's not just for safety measures. To play devils advocate though, I'm sure some people leave out the negative stuff because they don't want to burden others with them.. that just leaves the positive stuff, if it's even real. I mean, if I posted my life on facebook, that's probably how I'd go about it. My negative stuff would be for me to vent about with my husband and closest friends.. not everyone I've ever known lol. And yes to the friends list count. But as devils advocate again, I don't think that's always to come off as popular to others, though that's probably the majority reason. I think some people just need to feel liked.. that little something missing.
Yes, there is also that aspect of things. Not wanting to burden others about something that may be going on. I do believe that most of the positive stuff is real, without a doubt. But you can almost always tell when they aren't and it is quite awkward :/ As for the friend list count, where the few on my friends list are concerned, it is most certainly about popularity. They don't give a stuff about most of the people on their list, and from my past experiences with some of these people, you can tell from how they conduct themselves - and from the kinds of things that they say - that it is only about popularity, and everyone seeing them as that person. They don't care if these people on their friends list like them or not. Friend requests are just a number count to them, which is why they cannot accept random friend requests quickly enough. But I am sure that there is also an aspect of it that is about wanting/needing to be liked, which we all can be guilty of. The older I get though, the less I care lol. The older I've gotten, the smaller my friends list has gotten. Also, when you cannot vent to those who are supposedly closest to you then Facebook can be a great tool, and it isn't about posting your life story - although I am sure that some people do post their life story lol. Even when you are not needing or expecting a response, someone could post something uplifting or just solutions that you never would have thought of. Very helpful. But just, as life happens, there are bumps in the road. There could be a status like, 'Didn't get the promotion Oh well, when one door closes, another door opens ' Just small stuff like that, though personal. I know people who wouldn't dare post anything like that because they cannot bear to ever be perceived as not winning when it comes to life. My cousin being one of them. You can tell that the very idea shakes him to his core, and this concept spills into real life, where he has to put himself out there a certain way because he deems that other part of himself - that may not always be on top - as unacceptable. Of course there are others out there who just wouldn't want to dwell on not having gotten the promotion, especially not to the point of writing a status. But that is not often the intention. The intention is to omit all of the perceived negative things, so that they can shape this perfect person in the eyes of everyone else. It is up to them. They would know best what they can handle other people knowing or not knowing. But that is half of the reason why I used to put out personal stuff - if not for anything else but to break free of the prison of caring about what other people think, where it is not necessary to. Or where it may be of detriment to. It was very liberating. I bet when Mark Zuckerburg invented facebook, he didn't ever think that there would be people out there who would use it for intentional personal growth.
I totally agree with you; I just like to put out other perspectives for those who pigeonhole everyone on Facebook lol. It's not always about being deceiving or needing to be popular etc, but yep, I see it all the time. I narrowed my friends list down a couple years ago.. I don't need to see updates or share my life with Bitchy Betty I sat next to in geography in grade 10, but never spoke two words to outside of class, or Joe Blow whom I passed on the street in April of 1998. For me, I just couldn't imagine posting the deeply personal things, but I get it when others do.. and even if it's for sympathy or attention, I get that too and as annoying as it can get, I feel bad for them as well. If you need to go on facebook to get these things, you definitely are missing something in your life that you're still looking for. In my opinion anyway.. I get that some people are just open books and I guess I can categorize myself that way too, but only in person, where I control how the information is given and received etc. If a door closes and you need an uplifting message or two, fine.. but so much is put out there that I would consider too personal to share.. if they're an open book because they don't have a bond enough with someone else to help them through, I just feel sad for them. I see that more than the other, but maybe it's the (small, almost insignificant because I'm still young and hot) age difference lol.
Put them out there; you know that putting out unique perspectives is one of my favorite things to do There are so many different truths out there - you simply cannot pigeonhole everyone. There are a slim few who just moan all day long on Facebook too, as well as those who are never going to post their misgivings in a million years too. Bitchy Betty lmaooo!!!! Yes, I agree. There have also been times where I have felt sad for people, and I will comment on their statuses and try to uplift them. Not that it is always received that way, because some people see that they have hooked someone and will just keep laying it on in order to squeeze as much attention and sympathy out of the situation. They are still focused on the problem, and they are not focused on anything else that may lend to the solution. You don't have to be an open book. I wouldn't call myself an open book either. But with certain things, I want to bring light to the darkness. It is like proving to myself that whatever the issue is doesn't have such a hold on me, because I am able to set it free, for all to see, if that makes any sense. It's about taking myself out of my comfort zone, so that I may find comfort on a greater scale. Making peace with where I am. There are certain issues that are yours to work out, and nobody else but you can help you with them, so whilst family members may know, it's too comfortable if just they know. I have a few people on FB, and they know exactly what I am doing - that which I deliberately seek. Of course, putting certain things out there can be harmful to you and your life. It is up to us to be able to discern the difference.
oooh yes.. the ones who just keep going and going and going on and on about something.. no looking to get past it, but suck up every last ounce of attention and sympathy or whatever. Again, I feel bad that they feel the need to go about it that way.. but on the other hand, nothing bothers me more than someone that could choose to be happy or figure out how to be, but refuses to. It's how I look at depression too.. I know many would hate my perspective on that, but it's how I feel. The label is a massive enabler these days.. just like Facebook lol.
Lmaooooo!!! I have labelled them energy vampires in my mind. Kind of mean, yes, since I understand that they are just in that space where they need to attention and sympathy for fuel. Or at least it feels like that to them. But when you are on the opposite end of it, it all just feels so annoying and sucky. I have made the mistake of trying to uplift these same people a second time, only for the situation to turn out the same as it did the first time. I didn't offer any further commentary a third time. I'd learned my lesson lol. As someone who has suffered from depression, and still has her bouts, I would have to agree. From one moment to the next the thoughts that you think are a choice. But then on the other end, the state of depression only allows thoughts that are a vibrational match to it. Even still, there is still leeway to climb that emotional ladder within it, if that makes any sense. It doesn't matter what situation you may find yourself in, you can always choose the better feeling thought. Now, whether that is jumping from hopelessness to a place of anger, remains totally up to the individual. But they'll notice that anger feels a LOT better than hopelessness because you have reclaimed a little bit of your power back as an empowered being, as opposed to this dis empowered being, which isn't who we are at the core. The trick is not to stay in the anger. The trick is to keep working your way up. Many, including myself, will just vacillate back and forth, doing damage to our bodies/health in the process.