What do you think of spoofs? I really loved scary movie a whole lot and i thought that it was a great piece of work and so wanted to see if there are others like me who think spoofs are great.
I loved the first and second Scary Movies. But the third and fourth? They were unbearable. I think spoofs don't make a good movie. They may be great for TV shows but not for an entire length of a movie. Spoofs are good for laughs but they are shallow and border on stupidity. If another movie would be released that revolves around spoofs of other shows, I'd pass.
It depends. I like the scary movies I thought they were pretty funny. But spoofs aren't always good. I watched one that was making fun of twilight I thought it'd be funny like the scary movies but I was wrong it was boring and it wasn't funny at all! So I guess it just depends.
The entire scary movie franchise was not great. But that doesn't mean spoofs don't make good movies. Excuse me if this appears like it's going off-topic but I've watched a number of spoofs and best of them IMO is The Naked Gun. I'll have to disagree with the assertion that spoofs are 'stupid.' They're not. We already know they're ridiculing some genre of movies, so what should we expect? Fancy plot twists and 'deep' stories?
I agree with you on the third and fourth bit. They were a mess and they had really lost the plot of things. Sometimes a spoof is really a hit or miss and people will love it or hate it and that is the danger of making spoofs
I like them but not really enough to want to seek it out, honestly. I'd watch it in theaters if there were absolutely no other choices or if I catch it on TV while changing channels, but they aren't made with much passion anymore so I don't feel like I want to see it as much as I would the older movies that had a bit more personality to them. I'm not even disappointed by the new ones like Meet the Spartans anymore because I honestly don't expect much from them and I do eventually get what I expect which is some cheap entertainment, which I still do like by the way but I have to be in the right mood for it, otherwise it can be a bit tiresome to watch especially the newer ones with even less imagination and effort put into them.