Swimming is the way to go. I can hardly ever find the motivation to run anymore. It may be that i am getting old and the feel of pushing my body in that way is not so appealing any more. So i prefer swimming. It is something that i would gladly do or get engaged in.
Swimming and running are great for your body, they offer different ways of loosing weight but are both highly effective. I can never choose between the two as I would prefer to do them both. You easily loose weight on both of them and you have a great physic. Though I have to admit that running is not really practical on rainy days, as I come from a province where it is always raining. Therefore swimming, especially indoor swimming has advantages of all seasons. Then someone will argue so does indoor running but the difference is that my running is not done on the track but in the road, that is where you get the most out of your workout.
I would prefer running over swimming, because even if I don't know how to swim, I still think that your body is more active when running, and you tend to sweat more. And the more you sweat, the more fat you lose. So running is more effective in making you lose weight as compared to swimming.
I don't know which is better from a weight losing-standpoint but personally I think I prefer swimming. Or perhaps neither. This is hard.. I used to love swimming but I don't care much for the thought of spending time with strangers in my underwear anymore. However I would think swimming would be better for your body, considering running hurts your knees (at lest mine..). For me who's not really fit at all (I'm not even close to being over weight, but have 0 muscles and can't run for more than like 30 seconds before my lungs give up on me..) I could imagine swimming would be easier to start out with. I just recently started to move my ass off the couch and I currently just go for walks, running seems very far away at the moment, although I would love to be able to go running when it gets a little warmer outside, just hope my body will let me.
Well I can't swim (and I have a phobia of large bodies of water) so I would say that running is the way to go. With swimming you need to buy special equipment and you need to learn to swim, but with running you can put on any old clothes you have and I haven't met many people who can't run.
I prefer running to swimming because for swimming you need access to a big-sized pool which is not easy for everyone. You also need to learn how to swim in order to be an effective swimmer. On the other hand, running is considerably very easy to do on a regular basis. You only need a pair of shoes in order to start running and nothing else.
I like both as well. I would normally go with running, but for some reason I kind of like swimming more on this one. I probably am going with swimming because I would have much more fun doing that than running.
I pick running because I don't know how to swim and aren't interested in learning. I just can't deal with being submerged in water, it flairs up my anxiety. I prefer to just run and burn my calories that way while listening to some music on my smartphone.
Swimming is better for you and more fun but is a lot less accessible than just jogging. You have to sign up to be able to swim on a regular basis. You can just go outside and jog but you can't just go outside and swim.
I like running because you can do that almost year round depending where you live. Swimming has some limits. I would like to add however that swimming is healthier and easier on your joints and running for a long time can be bad for your joints and overtime kill them if your running on hard ground.
I do enjoy swimming, but I mostly do running, because it's a lot cheaper and far easier. You can run almost anytime you like, swimming takes more effort to organise. You have to spend time getting to the pool, changing, showering etc. I do occasionally go in the summer, but running I do all year around.
I like doing both but prefer swimming. Unfortunately I don't get the chance to g swimming as much as I would like to and my cardio primarily consists or running on the treadmill. I like swimming for both working out and having fun. I can usually burn more calories off swimming than I can running.
If I had to pick it would be swimming, its a far kinder activity on the body and joints. I power walk and find that the overall effects are just as good or better than running. Swimming is a nice way to change up the workout pattern, it gives me a break from monotony.
I've not been a fan of running for a number of years, power walking gets the same results and creates less pounding on the legs. Swimming is a nice counter point to the power walking and I enjoy getting into a heated pool during the winter, it really loosens me up and stretches me out.
Theoretically, swimming forces all your muscles take action and burn calories, as well as emptying your mind, since water is believed to bring a serenity attitude, but not of all us have time to go to the swimming pool at least once per week. As consequence, running is the most comfortable and cheapest solution for keeping your body healty.
Yeah! This opinion seems same as mine. Actually it is tough for a heavy one to run for a long time but, do you think swimming really serves this purpose? Or is there any other typical work-out plan for them?
Yeah! This opinion seems same as mine. Actually it is tough for a heavy one to run for a long time but, do you think swimming really serves this purpose? Or is there any other typical work-out plan for them?
I too felt the same way as you thought before I learnt swimming. I too used to stay off from water and once I started learning it, trust me, you'll surely have the best time out there in doing it and you'll leave out all your anxiety aside. Just give it a try once